
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Josh Holdenried "Napa Legal Insitute" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #103
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
On this week's show, we examine the role of faith-based organizations during times of crisis and beyond with Josh Holdenried of the Napa Legal Institute.
About Josh Holdenried
Josh Holdenried serves as Vice President and Executive Director for Napa Legal Institute. He holds a B.A. in Public Policy Leadership from the University of Mississippi and a Certificate in Applied Religion in Public Policy from Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy. He is currently pursuing an M.A. at Hillsdale College’s School of Government.
About Napa Legal Institute
Napa Legal Institute (NLI) was launched in 2019 to empower evangelization through corporate education and legal resources for faith-based nonprofits aligned with the Catholic faith. The founders of NLI realized that, as the legal environment increases in complexity, spiritual entrepreneurs will need specific education and timely resources so they may exercise their religious liberty without fear of transgressing the law. This requires a better knowledge of taxes, corporate structures, and a tangle of local, state, and federal labor laws and regulations.
For more information:
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Marcel LeJeune "The Contagious Catholic" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #102
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
On this week's show, we talk about the art and joy of sharing our faith with Marcel LeJeune as he discusses his new Ascension Press book The Contagious Catholic: The Art of Practical Evangelization.
About Marcel LeJeune
Marcel LeJeune is the President and Founder of Catholic Missionary Disciples. As a Catholic evangelist, international speaker, and award-winning author, Marcel’s greatest passion is helping others come to know the love of Jesus and share it with others. Marcel and his wife, Kristy, have five children.
About The Contagious Catholic
The Contagious Catholic: The Art of Practical Evangelization
Following Christ's own strategy and drawing from years of evangelization experience, Marcel LeJeune diagnoses the common problems that Catholics face when it comes to sharing the Faith. He offers simple but profound strategies to overcome these problems. Fruitful evangelization hinges on personal renewal, commitment to Christ, and readiness to become the missionary disciples we’re all called to be.
Learn more about The Contagious Catholic at Ascension Press
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Rhonda Hoffman "When I'm Not Me Anymore" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #101
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
On this week's show, we address the importance of having sometimes difficult family conversations and what a diagnosis of dementia means for families with Rhonda Hoffman, author of When I'm Not Me Anymore: A Pre-Dementia Love Letter to My Daughters.
About Rhonda Hoffman
Rhonda Hoffman is a first-time author who lives in Sherwood Park, Alberta – right around the corner from her daughters.
About When I'm Not Me Anymore
From Rhonda Hoffman: "A familiar stranger. That is who my mom became as dementia slowly took hold of her. She was someone I knew and loved but not the same person she had been. A profound sadness hit me when I realized that my daughters may one day have to deal with me in this same condition and I wanted them to know that who I become if this happens is not really who I am. The things I will say and do will be coming from someone who has gradually become a stranger to them. Everything about our life together will change when I have nowhere to go and all day to get there, forgetting that they still have commitments, appointments, and things to do. We will experience a sense of time travel as my memories from the past become jumbled up in the happenings of each new day. The change in my language could bring about surprising and sometimes disturbing conversations as the filters from the past wane and they see me in my uncut glory. This is a love letter of instruction to my daughters while I am able to express myself fully with prompts for you to do the same for your children or to chronicle meaningful times in the lives of your parents before the chance is lost forever."
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
LeAnn Thieman "Seeing God's Action in Our Lives" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #100
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
On this week's show, author LeAnn Thieman helps us to pause and notice all of the ways in which God is present to us in a conversation about her new Sophia Institute Press book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Everyday Catholicism - Seeing God's Action in Our Lives.
About LeAnn Thieman
LeAnn Thieman is a Hall of Fame Speaker, author, and nurse who was “accidentally” caught up in rescuing 300 babies during the Vietnam Orphan Airlift in 1975. Through God’s grace, she is living proof that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. Her presentations and writings fill people with hope and love, nourishing their souls, and deepening their faiths.
About Everyday Catholicism
These compelling stories present convincing evidence of God's active presence in our everyday lives. Whether you're a cradle Catholic or a convert, solid in the Faith or wavering, these stories will deepen your conviction and stimulate your hope and trust in God.

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Allan Smith "Fulton Sheen on Prayer" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #99
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
On this week's show, we discuss the legacy and spiritual life of Venerable Fulton J. Sheen with Allan Smith, author of the new Sophia Institute Press book Lord, Teach Us To Pray: A Fulton Sheen Anthology.
About Allan Smith
Allan Smith is a husband, father, grandfather, a man of trade, and a business owner. Al has served the Church for fifteen years as a Catholic evangelist, radio host, writer, Internet broadcaster, and retreat director. He is the founder and director of the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Mission Society of Canada.
About "Lord, Teach Us to Pray"
Over the course of Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s storied career, thousands approached him with a simple request: “Teach us to pray.” Now, for the first time ever, his wise teachings on prayer have been collected into a single volume to help you perfect your prayers and make them what they must become: a daily, holy habit. First come Bishop Sheen’s insightful reflections on the Our Father and its indispensable connection to the Seven Last Words of Christ. Then Bishop Sheen unveils smoldering, oft-overlooked riches in other everyday Catholic prayers, transforming them from rote recitations into powerful moments of communion with God.
Learn more about Lord, Teach Us to Pray at Sophia Institute Press
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Jon Sweeney "The Pope's Cat" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #98
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
On this week's show, we talk popes, cats, and storytelling with Jon M. Sweeney, creator of the wonderful series "The Pope's Cat" from Paraclete Press. We virtually travel to Italy as we chat about his latest book Margaret and the Pope Go to Assisi.
About Jon M. Sweeney
Jon M. Sweeney is one of religion’s most respected and award-winning authors. He’s been interviewed in print by a wide range of publications from the Dallas Morning News to The Irish Catholic, and on television for CBS Saturday Morning and Fox News. His 2012 history, The Pope Who Quit, was optioned by HBO. He’s also the author of thirty-plus other books including a new biography, James Martin, SJ: In the Company of Jesus; The Pope’s Cat fiction series for children; St. Francis of Assisi: His Life, Teachings, and Practices, with a foreword by Richard Rohr, new from St. Martin’s Press; A Course in Christian Mysticism by Thomas Merton; and Meister Eckhart’s Book of the Heart, with Mark S. Burrows.
Jon’s books on Franciscan spirituality have sold more than 200,000 copies. His Francis of Assisi in His Own Words has become a standard text on many university and seminary campuses. Jon speaks regularly at literary and religious conferences, retreat centers, and churches. He is Catholic, married to a rabbi; their interfaith marriage has been profiled in national media. He writes often for America: The Jesuit Review in the US, and The Tablet in the UK, and is active on social media (Twitter @jonmsweeney; Facebook jonmsweeney). He’s also the publisher at Paraclete Press in Massachusetts and lives in Milwaukee with his wife and daughters. He also has two grown children.
About "Margaret and the Pope Go to Assisi"
Margaret and the Pope Go to Assisi is the fourth book in a still-new fiction series for kids (mostly Catholic kids), about a stray cat that is brought inside the Vatican, and who then helps show kids what Popes do all day long!
Learn more about The Pope's Cat at Paraclete Press
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Emily DeArdo "Living Memento Mori" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #97
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
On this week's show, we ponder the concept of "memento mori" and its connection to the Stations of the Cross with author Emily DeArdo, whose new book Living Memento Mori was recently published by Ave Maria Press.
About Emily DeArdo:
Emily DeArdo is a Catholic writer, speaker, and Lay Dominican who shows that an imperfect life can be filled with joy and fulfillment. Her book, Living Memento Mori: My Journey Through the Stations of the Cross, was published in January by Ave Maria Press. Emily writes about joy, carrying your cross, and the Catholic life on her blog, emilymdeardo.com.
About Living Memento Mori:
In Living Memento Mori, Emily DeArdo shares the insight she has gained from living her life on the precipice of death: a willingness to embrace the Cross of Christ can transform the pain and loss we all inevitably experience into a source of spiritual growth. DeArdo shows you how even a life of considerable suffering can be full of joy, hope, and peace. DeArdo’s life and reflections on mortality give a fresh voice to the traditional themes found in the Stations of the Cross. She offers you the courage to face your own suffering and concerns about death and to follow Jesus wherever he leads.
Learn more about Living Memento Mori at Ave Maria Press
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
On this week's show, we discuss the Church's teachings on the afterlife with Dr. James Papandrea, author of the newly released book What Really Happens After We Die from Sophia Institute Press.
About Dr. James Papandrea:
James L. Papandrea is a Catholic professor, author, speaker, and musician. Baptized Catholic but raised Protestant and eventually ordained in a Protestant denomination, Jim reverted to the Catholic Church through his studies of the Church Fathers. He holds an M.Div. degree from Fuller Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in the History and Theology of the Early Christian Church from Northwestern University. Jim is currently Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Garrett-Evangelical Seminary at Northwestern University, as well as a consultant in Adult Faith Formation and a regular speaker in parish and lay formation programs across the Chicago area.
About What Really Happens After We Die:
Here professor of Church history Dr. James Papandrea gathers in one place all that is known about the afterlife — drawn from the teachings of Jesus, the Apostles, the Church Fathers, and the Church’s Magisterium — affording, for the first time ever, a complete, authoritative, detailed portrait of the state of souls after death and the realms we enter.
Learn more about What Really Happens After We Die from Sophia Institute Press
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
On this week's show, we gain some valuable coping skills for today's turbulent world from Dr. Kevin Vost, author of the new book 12 Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas.
About Dr. Kevin Vost:
Dr. Kevin Vost taught psychology at Aquinas College in Nashville and the University of Illinois at Springfield. He’s the author of twenty books from Memorize the Faith! to 12 Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas. After 25 years as an atheist, Kevin came back to Christ through the stirrings of the Holy Spirit and the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas.
About 12 Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas:
In 12 Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas Dr. Kevin Vost provides you with essential life lessons, culled from the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas. Together these lessons will elevate your mind, enrich your spirit, and teach you how to participate fully in the universal vocation to holiness and happiness. They will help you cultivate a rich, robust faith life that will bring you into closer communion with God and beckon others to follow. You'll soon find yourself confidently and happily living in imitation of Our Lord, the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all men and women.
Learn more about 12 Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas from Sophia Institute Press.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Dan Burke "Spiritual Warfare" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #94
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
On this week's show, we take on the topic of spiritual warfare and personal sanctity with Dan Burke, author of the new book Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits.
About Dan Burke:
Dan Burke is the founder and President of the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation, which offers graduate and personal enrichment studies in spiritual theology to priests, deacons, religious, and laity in 72 countries and prepares men for seminary in 14 dioceses. Dan is the author and editor of more than 15 books on authentic Catholic spirituality and hosts the Divine Intimacy Radio show with his wife, Stephanie, which is broadcast weekly on EWTN Radio. Past episodes can be found, along with thousands of articles on the interior life, at SpiritualDirection.com.
About Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits:
Satan is always at work breeding sadness and anxiety while providing obstacles that prevent souls from making spiritual progress. Here, author Dan Burke presents the wisdom of Catholic mystics to help readers understand the influence of the Adversary on our minds and hearts, and the tactics we need to combat him. Using St. Ignatius’ teachings, Burke presents an authoritative manual for engaging successfully in daily battle with the Devil.
Learn more about Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits at Sophia Institute Press.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Katie Miller "Sight & Sound Theatre - Jesus" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #93
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
On this week's show, we discuss the upcoming Fathom Event theatrical release of Sight & Sound Theatres' epic production "Jesus".
About Katie Miller:
As Corporate Communications Manager, Katie Miller works with the Leadership Team, Management Teams, and individual departments within the Lancaster and Branson locations to bring synergy, cohesion, and direction to internal and external communications. As a member of the Brand Team, she serves as the primary liaison for all Public Relations efforts.
About "Jesus":
The greatest rescue story ever told comes to life on movie screens in a special nationwide event on April 7, 9 and 11. Filmed in front of a live audience, Sight & Sound’s JESUS is the action-packed musical stage adventure that takes audiences on a miraculous journey alongside the most famous person ever to walk the earth and the everyday people whose lives he changed forever.
From the bustling streets of Jerusalem to the raging Sea of Galilee, JESUS is the musical stage adventure that has been seen by more than one million people. Filmed in front of a live audience, Sight & Sound’s spectacular original production is now coming to the big screen – nationwide! Witness some of the most awe-inspiring, miraculous events as Jesus sets sail with fishermen, challenges the Pharisees and heals the hurting. Experience the greatest rescue story of all time as the Bible comes to life in movie theaters for a special Easter event – three days only.
Learn more information about Jesus and find theaters near you at JesusEvent.com.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tim Drake "The Attic Saint" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #92
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
On this week's show, we look at the interesting way in which author Tim Drake brought a childhood memory to life in the beautiful new book The Attic Saint.
About Tim Drake:
Tim Drake serves as executive director of Pacem in Terris Hermitage Retreat Center in Minnesota. An award-winning author and former journalist, he is the author of seven books, including his most recent, a children's illustrated book, "The Attic Saint." He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs. He resides in St. Joseph, Minnesota with his wife and children.
About The Attic Saint:
In "The Attic Saint," Leo and his family have just moved to a strange home in a new city. The house has stained glass windows, steaming radiators, and a cavernous basement. But it also has an attic. In the attic, where the veil between heaven and earth becomes very thin, Leo will form a friendship that transcends both time and space. In "The Attic Saint," a heartening tale for children of all ages, the wisdom and beauty of the Catholic faith shine brilliantly. Author Tim Drake's inspired story is brought to life through Theodore Schluenderfritz's vivid illustrations.
Find The Attic Saint at the Saint Paul Center.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Dr. Ray Guarendi "Raising Upright Kids" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #91
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
On this week's show, we get back to basics, discussing parenting in today's complicated world with clinical psychologist Dr. Ray Guarendi, author of the book Raising Upright Kids in an Upside-Down World.
About Dr. Ray Guarendi:
Dr. Ray is a clinical psychologist, author, professional speaker, and national radio and television host. His radio show, “The Dr. Is In” can be heard on over 440 stations and Sirius XM Channel 130. His TV show, “Living Right with Dr. Ray” can be seen on EWTN Global Catholic Network and is aired in 140 countries.
About Raising Upright Kids in an Upside-Down World:
From raunchy television shows to immoral peers, the barriers to raising moral and mature children are higher and more treacherous than ever. Here, acclaimed Catholic psychologist and EWTN personality Dr. Ray Guarendi offers parents a roadmap through this difficult and sometimes frightening terrain. Dr. Ray brings to bear his decades of clinical experience—and his experience as a father of ten—with some of the hardest questions of modern parenting. This is a book for parents who aim to form children who value the things of God, no matter the work and the effort.
Find Raising Upright Kids in an Upside-Down World at Sophia Institute Press.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Fr. Edward Looney "Lenten Journey with Mother Mary" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #90
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
On this week's podcast, we prepare for a fruitful Lent by sharing a conversation with Fr. Edward Looney, author of the new Sophia Institute Press book "Lenten Journey with Mother Mary ".
About Fr. Edward Looney:
Fr. Edward Looney is a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay and is an internationally recognized Marian theologian, author, and radio personality. Learn more at edwardlooney.com.
About Lenten Journey with Mother Mary:
A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary will help readers not only listen to the messages Mary has spoken in her apparitions but to live them out in their lives during Lent and beyond.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Karlo Broussard "Meeting Challenges of Faith" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #89
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
On this week's show, we talk about learning our faith so we can share it with others in a conversation with Karlo Broussard, author of the new book Meeting the Protestant Challenge: How to Answer 50 Biblical Objections to Catholic Beliefs.
About Karlo Broussard:
Karlo Broussard, a native of Southern Louisiana, left a promising musical career to devote himself full-time to the work of Catholic apologetics. With undergraduate and graduate degrees in Theology, as well as a Masters in Philosophy, Karlo is a full-time staff apologist for Catholic Answers and travels the country giving talks on apologetics, the Bible, theology, and philosophy.
About Meeting the Protestant Challenge:
Every Catholic has heard the challenge: "How can you believe that? Don't you know the Bible says..." It's a challenge we have to meet. If we can't reconcile apparent contradictions between Scripture and Catholic teaching, how can our own faith survive? And if we can't help our Protestant brothers and sisters overcome their preconceptions about "unbiblical" Catholic doctrines and practices, how will they ever come to embrace the fullness of the Faith? In Meeting the Protestant Challenge, Karlo Broussard gives you the knowledge and tools you need to answer fifty of the most common Bible-based objections to Catholicism.
For more information:
- Karlo Broussard website
- Catholic Answers Shop For Lisa's speaking schedule visit
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Peggy Weber "Enough As You Are" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #88
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
On this week's show, author Peggy Weber joins us as we discuss the challenges of feeling "enough" in today's world in a conversation about her new book Enough As You Are. Am I holy enough? Do I have enough stuff? Can I ever even be quiet enough? Peggy offers saintly inspiration and real-world stories to help us answer these questions.
About Peggy Weber:
Peggy Weber is an award-winning journalist and author who has been working at her craft for almost 40 years, primarily with the Catholic press. The author of the popular ‘Spun from the Web’ column, she loves her faith, family, baseball and chocolate, not necessarily in that order. She loves to laugh a lot—often at herself -- which helps her to truly feel “enough." She lives in Western Massachusetts with her dear husband John and relishes frequent visits from her seven grandchildren.
About Enough As You Are:
In Enough as You Are, Peggy Weber shares her experiences of doubting herself and discovering that she is enough; that we all are enough for God’s love. Each chapter includes anecdotes and life lessons for readers, as well as some “Saintly Inspiration” to help us continue recognizing that we are enough. Each chapter also includes a guided Examen and practical ways to put this discovered truth of value into practice.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Michele Faehnle "Our Friend Faustina" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #87
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
On this week's show, we enjoy a friendly conversation with author and speaker Michele Faehnle as we discuss her latest work Our Friend Faustina: Life Lessons in Divine Mercy, co-authored with Emily Jaminet and a phenomenal group of women.
About Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet:
Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet are the co-authors of the award-winning best seller Divine Mercy for Moms, The Friendship Project and Our Friend Faustina. They have spoken at women’s events across the country, are regular guests on Catholic radio and have been featured on EWTN. Michele and Emily both contribute to Catholicmom.com and serve on the board of directors of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference.
About Our Friend Faustina:
In Our Friend Faustina: Life Lessons in Divine Mercy, Michele and Emily have assembled an extraordinary collection of essays by modern women, all joined by their common friendship with one extraordinary person: St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), the Secretary and Apostle of the Divine Mercy. Sharing tales of ordinary and extraordinary graces with wit and laughter, these faith-filled women explain how St. Faustina has loved them, mentored them, and inspired them to live with mercy toward all. With a foreword by acclaimed author Susan Tassone, this collection will help introduce you to a friend for life (and afterlife!) in extraordinary, ordinary St. Faustina.
This book includes a study guide and free video series at inspirethefaith.com
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
M.J. Flood "Where Are You?" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #86
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
On this week's show, we ponder the impact of pregnancy loss and grief with M.J. Flood, author of Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss.
About M.J. Flood:
M.J. Flood is a husband and a father of two little girls and a baby angel. Residing in Long Island, New York, he is a high school literature and writing teacher and the author of Where Are You? Finding Myself in My Greatest Loss. his first published work. He is also the writer/director of Too Much Noise — a short film in American Sign Language — which has appeared in several film festivals and won the Best Original Idea award at New York City’s 2018 Chain Film Festival.
About Where Are You?
Recalling the author’s experience as the father of a stillborn daughter, this memoir articulates the private heartbreak and depression so frequently associated with disenfranchised griefs like pregnancy loss. But Where Are You? is ultimately a work of hope, as M.J. Flood walks the reader through the chaos of death in search of the peace of healing.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Victoria Robinson "Save the Storks" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #85
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
On this week's show, we welcome pro-life advocate Victoria Robinson of Save the Storks to share about the proactive work this organization undertakes with pregnancy centers around the country.
About Victoria Robinson:
Victoria Robinson, Director of Media Relations at Save The Storks, has been a national voice in the pro-life movement for over twenty years. She is an author, public speaker, television personality, co-host of the HGTV show, My House Is Your House, and the top-rated Keep The Faith podcast, Contagious Influencers of America, where her guests include politicians, authors, speakers, artists, actors, and athletes. Prior to her role at Storks, she was the director of pregnancy resource centers in North Carolina and Tennessee.
About Save the Storks:
Save the Storks partners with pregnancy resource centers all over the nation, providing them with powerful tools and training to more effectively connect with women in their communities.
For More Information:
- Website: SaveTheStorks.com
- Facebook: @SaveTheStorks, Instagram: @SaveTheStorks

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Sarah Christmyer "Becoming People of the Word" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #84
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
On this week's show, we dive into the gift of scripture with Sarah Christmyer, Bible expert and author of the new book Becoming Women of the Word: How to Answer God's Call with Purpose and Joy.
About Sarah Christmyer:
Sarah Christmyer is a Catholic author, Bible teacher, and speaker with a special love for lectio divina and journaling as ways to draw close to Christ in Scripture. She is the co-developer and founding editor of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible study program and author or co-author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies. Her latest book is Becoming Women of the Word: How to Answer God’s Call with Purpose and Joy (Ave Maria Press). Sarah serves as an adjunct faculty member at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia and as a board member of the Malvern Retreat House in Malvern, PA. She blogs at ComeIntoTheWord.com.
About Becoming Women of the Word:
In Becoming Women of the Word, Sarah Christmyer embarks on a spiritual pilgrimage through the Old Testament, with each chapter focusing on one particular woman, and in one case, on two sisters. These are ordinary women with ordinary lives. They suffered, they longed for love. They stepped into the gap when men failed them; they worked to bring beauty from the ashes of their lives. Their experiences are still relevant today, despite the miles and years that would distance them. Christmyer introduces each Biblical woman with a related story from her own life, and in doing so provides a concrete connection to their witness.
For More Information:
- Website: https://comeintotheword.com/
- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/comeintotheword/
- instagram: https://www.instagram.com/comeintotheword/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/SChristmyer