
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tim O'Neill "O'Neill Brothers" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #83
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
On this week's show, we rediscover the joy and impact of instrumental music with Tim O'Neill of the piano duet the O'Neill Brothers
About the O'Neill Brothers:
Over the past 25 years, piano-playing brothers Tim and Ryan O'Neill have had their music streamed online more than one billion (!) times; sold more than 10 million copies of their songs; toured with '80s pop sensation Debbie Gibson; and provided music for movies, NBC, CBS, HBO, PBS and more. While the brothers have kept a low profile as a Minnesota success story, fans worldwide have embraced their music, including original compositions as well as covers of holiday favorites, Irish songs, classic and original love songs, lullabies, movie and Broadway songs, patriotic music, familiar inspirational songs, wedding music and more.
About the O'Neill Brothers Catholic Instrumental Playlist:
The O’Neill Brothers, pianists from New Prague, MN, have compiled a wonderful, instrumental Spotify playlist of peaceful Catholic music. These songs will set the tone for you to prayerfully enjoy some quiet moment to just relax and also to take a moment to be grateful for all that we have been abundantly blessed with by God.
For More Information:
- Website: www.pianobrothers.com
- Listen Online: Spotify Amazon iTunes Pandora
- Social Media: www.facebook.com/ONeillBrothersPianoMusic

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Lisa Brenninkmeyer "Walking with Purpose" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #82
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
On this week's show, we discuss Catholic scripture study and developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ with Lisa Brenninkmeyer of Walking with Purpose.
About Lisa Brenninkmeyer:
Lisa Brenninkmeyer is the founder and chief purpose officer of Walking with Purpose (WWP), a Catholic Women’s Bible study. An author and speaker, Lisa created WWP of a desire to see women come to know Christ personally. Lisa has written nine Bible studies for adult women, six Bible studies for young adults, a middle school girls’ curriculum called BLAZE, the book Walking with Purpose: Seven Priorities that Make Life Work and the devotional, Be Still. Lisa and her husband Leo have seven children and live in St. Augustine, Florida.
About Walking with Purpose:
At Walking with Purpose we develop and deliver Bible studies to reach women of all ages with the love of Christ. We also offer an online leadership development program and mentoring. There are currently over 350 WWP parish programs with more than 40,000 women participating. WWP Bible studies present practical Biblical teachings consistent with Church doctrine; vary in length and depth to meet the needs of different women; utilize the Catechism of the Catholic Church as an additional resource; and have received the imprimatur from Most Reverend William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore. Our patron saint is St. Thérèse of Lisieux.
- Website: www.walkingwithpurpose.com
- Instagram:walkingwithpurpose_official
- Twitter: @walkingwpurpose
- Facebook: facebook.com/walkingwithpurpose

Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Noelle Mering "Theology of Home" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #81
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
- Websites: www.theologyofhome.com, Noellemering.com
- Intstagram: @theologyofhome @noellemering
- Twitter: @noellem

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
John Mark Comer "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #80
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
On this week's show, we take a few moments to slow down and contemplate life with John Mark Comer, the author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.
About John Mark Comer:
John Mark Comer lives, works, and writes in the urban core of Portland, Oregon, with his wife, Tammy, and their three children, Jude, Moses, and Sunday. He is the pastor for teaching and vision at Bridgetown Church. A church built around the very simple idea of practicing the way of Jesus, together, in Portland. You are welcome to follow more of John Mark’s teachings via the Bridgetown Church podcast or This Cultural Moment, a podcast he co-hosts with his friend Mark Sayers on following Jesus in the post-Christian world. You can also pursue more of his work at www.johnmarkcomer.com.
About The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry:
Dallas Willard once called hurry “the great enemy of spiritual life in our day.” Followers of Jesus are not immune to culture’s pain. Many of us live with a low-grade fatigue and chronic anxiety that rarely, if ever, goes away. We careen through our days at breakneck speed and wonder where God is in the fray. The reality is, most of us are just too busy to live an emotionally healthy and spirituality vibrant life. Hurry is incompatible with the way of Jesus. The love, joy, and peace that form the nucleus of Jesus’ kingdom are all impossible in a life of speed. We must, as Willard went on to say, “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry.”
- Website: www.johnmarkcomer.com
- Social: www.instagram.com/johnmarkcomer | www.twitter.com/johnmarkcomer |
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Lindsay Schlegel "Don't Forget to Say Thank You" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #79
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
On this week's show, we contemplate the power and potential of words and storytelling with Lindsay Schlegel, the author of Don't Forget to Say Thank You.
About Lindsay Schlegel:
Lindsay Schlegel has always loved stories and storytelling. She counts it among her blessings that she’s the author of Don’t Forget to Say Thank You: And Other Parenting Lessons That Brought Me Closer to God (Ave Maria Press) and the host of the podcast Quote Me with Lindsay Schlegel. As a writer, she contributes to Verily, CatholicMom.com, Ever Eden, and more. She also serves as editor-at-large for Little Lamb Books. She lives in her New Jersey hometown with her high-school-sweetheart-turned-husband and their four children, where she reads, knits, and runs.
About Don't Forget to Say Thank You:
Lindsay's mission is to encourage, inspire, and lift others up to be all they were created to be. Her book, Don't Forget to Say Thank You, seeks to do this by recognizing and embracing God's fatherly love in the vocation of motherhood. Her podcast, Quote Me, looks to celebrate the power of words to bring all of us closer to the Lord in the midst of everyday life. And her other writing and speaking approach a contemporary Catholic lifestyle with humor, humility, and grace, in an effort to show the beauty of living with Christ as the center of life.
For more information:
- Website: LindsaySchlegel.com
- Social: instagram.com/lindsayschlegs | instagram.com/quoteme_podcast | https://www.facebook.com/LindsaySchlegelAuthor/ | https://twitter.com/LindsaySchlegel
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Leonard Defilippis "St. Luke Productions" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #78
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
On this week's show, we hear from talented author, producer and director Leonardo Defilippis about his work bring live stage and film productions on the lives of the saints to audiences around the world.
About Leonardo Defilippis:
Leonardo Defilippis is the founder and president of Saint Luke Productions. After years as a Shakespearean actor, he embarked on a spiritual journey that led him to found the Catholic theater ministry in 1980. Millions throughout the US and abroad have seen his work as an actor, producer, and film director. His productions include the popular film “Therese” and live stage dramas “Vianney,” “Maximilian,” “Faustina,” and “Tolton.” Leonardo regularly appears on Catholic media programs, including being the host of the series “Queen of Heaven” and “Messiah.” Leonardo is married to Patti, his beloved wife of 36 years.
About St. Luke Productions:
Saint Luke Productions brings professional theatrical and filmed dramas on the life of Christ and His saints to millions worldwide. This unique ministry and production company began when founder Leonardo Defilippis wrote to St. Teresa of Calcutta asking her for guidance in his newfound apostolate. Her mandate to “Do something beautiful for God" became the pivotal support for Saint Luke Productions to evangelize and transform the culture through theater and the media. We are dedicated to using our talents to glorify God, to give back to Him in all that we do. Our goal is to reach souls with the message of His infinite love and mercy through the immersive experience of theater and related media.
For more information visit www.stlukeproductions.com.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
On this week's show, we discuss the Rosary and how to make it a more integral part of our daily journey with Gretchen Crowe, author of Praying the Rosary with St. John Paul II.
About Gretchen Crowe:
Gretchen R. Crowe is editorial director for periodicals at OSV, where she oversees the publication of Our Sunday Visitor, the only national Catholic weekly newspaper in the United States. She also oversees content of The Priest, Deacon Digest and Take Out magazines, and Simply Catholic and Radiant online. An award-winning writer and photographer, Crowe has been a member of the Catholic Press Association since 2005. She is author of two books: "Why the Rosary, Why Now?" (OSV, 2017) and "Praying the Rosary with St. John Paul II" (OSV, 2019). Crowe lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with her husband and two children. You can follow her on Twitter @GretchenOSV.
About Praying the Rosary with St. John Paul II:
During his papacy, Pope John Paul II ardently encouraged the faithful to return to the Rosary - his own favorite prayer. He demonstrated his love for it by praying all the mysteries every day, and by writing, speaking, and preaching about it. He knew from his personal experience of prayer that we come to know the person of Jesus Christ through Mary and the Rosary.
With this book, you can pray the Rosary with the saint who loved it so much. For each mystery of the Rosary, you will find:
- The spiritual fruit that accompanies each mystery
- A short reflection on how Pope St. John Paul II embodied the spiritual fruit
- A Scripture passage for reflection
- An excerpt from a talk or writing of John Paul II
Whether the Rosary is already your favorite prayer or you're just learning to pray it, Praying the Rosary with St. John Paul II will help you "rediscover the Rosary in the light of Scripture, in harmony with the Liturgy, and in the context of your daily lives."
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Jimmy Akin "The Bible Is a Catholic Book" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #76
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
On this week's show, we address the close connection between the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture with popular apologist Jimmy Akin as we discuss his newest work The Bible Is A Catholic Book.
About Jimmy Akin:
Jimmy Akin is an internationally known author and speaker. As the senior apologist at Catholic Answers, he has more than twenty-five years of experience defending and explaining the Faith. Jimmy is a convert to the Faith and has an extensive background in the Bible, theology, the Church Fathers, philosophy, canon law, and liturgy. Jimmy is a weekly guest on the national radio program Catholic Answers Live, a regular contributor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a popular blogger and podcaster. His personal web site is JimmyAkin.com.
About The Bible Is A Catholic Book:
In The Bible Is a Catholic Book, Jimmy shows how the Bible cannot exist apart from the Church. In its origins and its formulation, in the truths it contains, in its careful preservation over the centuries and in the prayerful study and elucidation of its mysteries, Scripture is inseparable from Catholicism. This is fitting since both come from God for our salvation. For Catholics who sometimes get intimidated by the Bible (especially scriptural challenges from Protestants), The Bible Is a Catholic Book will help them better understand and take pride in this gift that God gave the world through the Church. And the clarity and charity that Jimmy uses as explains how the early Church gave us the Bible will make it accessible to non-Catholic Christians as well.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Teresa Tomeo "T's Italy" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #75
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
On this week's show, we travel virtually to Italy and the Vatican with popular radio host, speaker, author and travel expert Teresa Tomeo.
About Teresa Tomeo:
Over the past two decades, Teresa Tomeo has explored almost every region in Italy and has led pilgrimages and tours to Italy over 50 times. Having served as a journalist for 30+ years, Teresa has covered numerous assignments, including the canonization of several new saints in Rome. This gave her a unique understanding of how to navigate the Eternal City, whether one is traveling there as a tourist or a pilgrim interested in a Papal audience. As an experienced journalist, every time she goes to Italy she uncovers something new, explores the roots and history behind the beautiful Italian culture, food, architecture, art, music, faith and more. Her weekday morning radio program Catholic Connection is co-produced by EWTN and Ave Maria Radio in Ann Arbor, Michigan and is now heard on over 500 radio stations worldwide, and on the internet through the Eternal Word Radio Network.
Teresa owns her own speaking and communications company, Teresa Tomeo Communications, LLC. Teresa and her husband, Deacon Dominick Pastore, live in Michigan and both F.B.I.’s, (Full Blooded Italians). They lead retreats and pilgrimages to Italy and other amazing destinations around the world. To learn more about Teresa Tomeo and her work as a syndicated talk show host, visit her personal web site at TeresaTomeo.com.
About T's Italy:
Through personalized trip planning and consulting on all things Italia—food, music, art, faith, and culture—Teresa Tomeo taps into her Italian heritage, thousands of hours of research, and twenty-plus years covering Vatican events, leading pilgrimages, and vacationing with her husband Deacon Dominick throughout Italy’s coastline and charming countryside. A short questionnaire beforehand helps Teresa pinpoint interests and tailor an unforgettable Italy journey for travelers. The T’s Italy website also offers free videos & blogs on Italy’s hidden gems, as well as personalized trip memory services. Learn more about T's Italy at www.TravelItalyExpert.com.
Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Lisa Hendey & Friends - Episode 74 - Chad Stewart "Britfield"
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
On this week's show, author Chad Steward takes us on an exciting storytelling adventure with Britfield & the Lost Crown, a new middle-school fiction adventure that has taken him on a fantastic personal journey.
About C.R. Stewart:
Born in Newport Beach, California, C.R. Stewart is a prolific writer with twenty years of experience writing fiction, nonfiction, and movie screenplays. In addition, he is a highly respected producer, international consultant, and prominent speaker. Now based in San Diego, he is a strong supporter of education and the arts. C.R. enjoys writing, world travel, reading, riding, swimming, sailing, and tennis. Concerning his first novel for middle-grade readers, he said, "I came up with the idea for Britfield and the Lost Crown while sitting in a boring meeting, doodling a picture of a hot air balloon”.
About the Book:
Britfield & the Lost Crown is a fast-paced middle school/young adult adventure novel that transports the reader from the smoldering crags of Yorkshire, through the heart of England, and finally to the magnificent shores of Dover. Creating an interactive world of mystery and adventure, culture and education, Britfield is about friendship, family, loyalty, and courage. The first in a five-book series, Britfield presents a book real-world children can relate to. This fresh approach entertains the reader with accurate geography, history, architecture, and culture throughout the exciting story.
Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
On this week's show, we journey virtually to the California Missions with St. Junipero Serra and Christian Clifford, author of three books on the Apostle of California.
About Christian Clifford:
Christian Clifford is a veteran educator, currently teaching high school juniors and graduate students, and the author of three books about Catholic Church history in Spanish-Mexican California. Clifford’s writings have appeared in California Teacher, Catholic San Francisco, Catholic Standard, Today's Catholic Teacher and on Aleteia, Angelus News, Catholic Exchange, ChurchPOP, Crux, Nuestra Parroquia, Patheos, and the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He and his family live in the San Francisco Bay Area. For fun, he enjoys walking the 800-mile California Missions Trail. For more information, visit www.Missions1769.com.
Christian Clifford's Books:
- Saint Junipero Serra: Making Sense of the History and Legacy
- Who Was Saint Junipero Serra?
- Meet Pablo Tac: Indian from the Far Shores of California
Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Lisa Hendey & Friends - Episode 72 - Mark Hart "The 99"
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
On this week's show, we catch up with the always awesome Mark Hart to learn about The 99 his new project with Ascension Press that offers a terrific evangelization system that's sure to spark the faith in your parish family.
About Mark Hart:
Mark Hart a twenty-five year veteran of Catholic ministry, currently serves as the executive vice president of Life Teen International. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Mark is a best-selling author or editor of more than twenty books, an award-winning media producer, and a renowned radio host. His popular Bible study programs T3: The Teen Timeline, Encounter, and Altaration have helped transform Catholic youth and young adult Scripture study in parishes, classrooms, and homes. A devoted husband and father of four, Mark’s passion for the gospel and for evangelization are contagious and inspiring.
About The 99:
Ascension has launched a new system for evangelization called The 99 to engage Catholics and encourage them to evangelize the Church, their communities, and the culture. The system is made up of three parts, each designed to help Catholics easily organize an effective, ongoing evangelization effort within their parish walls and beyond: a short series of “mission” videos, a leadership training component, and a book. Each draws on the expertise of a group of experienced evangelization experts to help inspire Catholic individuals and groups to “go out into the deep” and share the Gospel.
Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Lisa Hendey & Friends - Episode 71 - Katie Prejean McGrady "Ave Explores"
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
On this week's show, we explore a fantastic new resource with author and international speaker Katie Prejean McGrady. Katie is the project manager for Ave Explores, a Catholic speaker and the author of Follow and Room 24. She served as one of three delegates for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to the Pre-Synod Meeting on Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment in Rome in 2018.
About Ave Explores:
Ave Explores: Mary is a project of Ave Maria Press to provide insight, ideas, and practical resources to help everyday Catholics better understand the continued importance of the Virgin Mary not only in the Church but our own lives. It will include articles, videos, podcasts, social media exclusives, surprising facts, and resources for classrooms and parishes. Signup is free at https://www.avemariapress.com/aveexplores-mary-signup/.
Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Lisa Hendey & Friends - Episode 70 - Philip Kosloski "Voyage Comics"
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
On this week's show, we laugh and cry with director, producer and comedy writer Jeannie Gaffigan as we discuss her new book When Life Gives You Pears: The Healing Power of Family, Faith, and Funny People.
About the Book:
In 2017, writer, director and producer, Jeannie Gaffigan’s life came to a crashing halt when she was diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumor. The mother of five kids, six if you include her husband, could only think "I might die," as she sat in the ER in star-covered sweats too whimsical for the seriousness of the situation. Thankfully, Jeannie and her family were able to survive this time of crisis and now she's ready to share her miraculous story; how she had the brutal conversation with her children, her parents, and close friends; how she came to terms with feeling powerless with the difficult recovery of being bedridden and not eating for a month; how she started to realize the importance of her relationships; and ultimately, to learn, and relearn to be more present in life.
Visit Jeannie Gaffigan at her website, Twitter, or Instagram.
Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Lisa Hendey & Friends - Episode 68 - John Meyer "Napa Institute"
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
On this week's show, John Meyer, Executive Director of the Napa Institute, explains the critical mission of this unique organization in today's Catholic Church. The Napa Institute seeks to examine, with a spirit of charity, intellectual rigor, and fidelity to the magisterium, the most critical issues faced by Catholics in the culture. They accomplish their goals through conferences, experiences, and symposiums, inspiring attendees to deepen their relationship with Christ and with each other. For more information on the Napa Institute, please visit http://napa-institute.org. Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Lisa Hendey & Friends - Episode 67 - Jared Dees "Beatitales"
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
On this week's show, we delve into the power of parables, fables and stories with Jared Dees, founder of TheReligionTeacher.com and author of the wonderful new book Betitales: 80 Fables about the Beatitudes for Children. Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Lisa Hendey & Friends - Episode 66 - Jeff Cavins "Great Adventure Bible Study"
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
On this week's show, Jeff Cavins, the developer of the Great Adventure Bible Learning System, invites us to understand the "big picture" of God's plan in Sacred Scripture in a whole new way. Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Lisa Hendey & Friends - Episode 65 - Lisa Hess "Sorting Your Stuff"
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
On this week's show, style blogger and organizing expert Lisa Hess helps us get our act together. Lisa is penned Know Thyself: The Imperfectionist's Guide to Sorting Your Stuff, a lighthearted approach to a serious topic, with the aim of building confidence alongside organizational skills by building on what we do naturally. Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
On this week's show, Catholic social media missionary Sara Estabrooks introduces us to CatholicsOnline.net, a directory that connects and educates influencers. Check out all of our book and movie picks at Lisa's Amazon Page. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send you feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.