
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven – Why I believe that THE WARNING is true
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Episode #81: Do you know how to read the signs of the times? In this episode, Terry Modica shares how God has worked in her life to convince her that Jesus is coming soon with a “Warning” for non-believers and a Second Pentecost for the true followers of Christ. Her story begins in 2001 when the scandal of priests sexually molesting children first became public. At that time, Terry felt very strongly that God wants to purge the Church from all sorts of abuses. Since then, the world has become much darker and we are called by God to read the signs of the times as watchmen who have the responsibility of warning others, as commanded in Ezekiel 33:1-9.
Bill Snyder joins this episode because he wants the audiences of his podcast show, Young Catholics Respond, to listen to the previous episode of Footsteps to Heaven, which goes in-depth about “The Warning” (https://gnm.org/paracletia/the-warning-and-other-prophecies/).
Don’t miss an episode: Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven – “The Warning” and Other Prophecies
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Episode #80: Is Jesus coming soon with a warning and a great illumination, as the Blessed Mother foretold in many apparitions? Do today's upheavals and rampant evil indicate that the prophecies about this are coming true? If so, how can we best prepare for it?
In seeking answers, this podcast starts with the prophetic warning of Saint Pope John Paul II. Next I share with you the prophecies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Blessed Mother in Garabandal (Spain), Fr. Michel Rodrigue, and St. Alphonsus de Liguori. And I summarize for you what I think the prophetic evidence is telling us, in the context of why faithful followers of Christ need not be frightened of the Warning.
The texts quoted in this podcast are available for reading and printing at https://gnm.org/paracletia/the-warning-and-other-prophecies/.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - 3 Keys in Turbulent Times to Grow Closer to Christ
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Episode #79: God helps us grow in faith during hardships, heartaches, and every other sort of problem. He generously gives us the gift of grace to make everything work for our good. But while we’re in the midst of turbulent times, we usually can’t see it or feel it. Terry Modica explains 3 keys (or graces) that will open your eyes and your heart to the closeness and comfort of Christ. They are: detachment, penance, and prayer visions.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - Revelation 3:16 - An important message from Jesus for today
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Episode #78: I'd like to share with you the scripture from the book of Revelations that I think is probably the most important scripture for today's times. It's Revelations 3:16. And let’s look at it from the perspective of another 3:16 – John 3:16. “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish, but might have eternal life.” Today the world is so full of evil doings that many people are perishing. Jesus has strong words for us about this in Revelation 3:16. Listening to this episode is extremely important right now.
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For more faith-builders, visit us at https://gnm.org.

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - Three Healing Messages From God Today
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Episode #77: What do you think God might be telling us – and the whole world – right now in this time in our history? What one message do you think God wants to get through to everybody in all the craziness that's going on? I believe he has three extremely important messages: one for your personal relationship with Christ, one regarding your family, and one about your faith community.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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For more faith-builders, visit us at https://gnm.org.

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven – Be Not Afraid
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Episode #76: Do you need to hear Jesus say to you today: “Be not afraid”? In this episode, Terry Modica explains how to conquer fear by driving it out by its roots and by gaining confidence in what scriptures say about it. The scriptures used are: Ezekiel 2:6, Luke 12:4-5, Psalm 91:1-6, Proverbs 3:21-26, Jeremiah 1:7-8, and Matthew 10. Terry also shares the story of how she overcame the fear of damaging her reputation in a difficult situation.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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For more faith-builders, visit us at https://gnm.org.

Saturday May 23, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - How I met the Holy Spirit
Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
Episode #75: Here is my personal story about how I met the Holy Spirit. As a child I knew Jesus Christ as my Savior and my Best Friend, but I knew nothing about the Holy Spirit. I found out the hard way that there is a very important reason why Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit, why he ascended to Heaven so that the Holy Spirit could come. The Holy Spirit protects us from being tricked by demons -- and because I had no personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, demons led me into the occult while I searched for the supernatural power of God. This put me into quite a mess. Listen to this episode of FOOTSTEPS TO HEAVEN to find out how I escaped.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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For more faith-builders, visit us at https://gnm.org.

Friday May 15, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - The Promise of Victory for Your Lost Loved Ones
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Episode #74: Here's the reason to have hope -- with confidence! -- that your loved ones who have turned away from Christ will be saved. Your prayers do make a difference. God has a plan. Jesus stated very clearly in John 6:39-40 and John 10:27-29 that no one -- not even the devil -- can take them out of the Father's hands. Discover God's wonderful purposes for allowing your loved ones to stray into sin for a season. Armed with this truth, you be able to keep praying, but now with joy instead of worry!
The series on the Mass referenced in this episode can be accessed at http://footstepstoheaven.com/the-catholic-mass/go-deeper-into-holy-mass/.
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Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven – Helpers from Heaven
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Episode #73: We all need supernatural help in difficult and challenging situations. So God provides to us helpers from heaven to assist us in our daily lives. In this episode, Terry Modica shares true stories about getting help from angels and from saints in her own life. You will discover how you too can receive the same kind of help.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - Marian Devotions and The Sorrowful Mysteries
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Episode #72: Hear Terry Modica's personal testimony of how the Blessed Mother came into her life (she was raised a Protestant) and later started Good News Ministries. Marian devotions seemed foreign to Terry, no matter how much she tried to understand it, until Jesus himself introduced her to his mother.
In this episode, you will learn the adaptation of the Hail Mary prayer that the Holy Spirit gave Terry for obtaining victory over evil. Then we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, led by Celina Okpaleke, Director of The International Consecrated Marian Society.
The prayers used in this podcast can be downloaded from http://footstepstoheaven.com/prayer/marian-devotions-and-the-sorrowful-mysteries.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - Faith Amidst Adversity
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Episode #71: God wants to give you faith that conquers stress. COVID-19 has triggered anxiety in a lot of people. On March 28th, Good News Ministries was part of an online conference called Our Faith, Our Hope, Our Love. This podcast is Terry Modica’s part in that event, as she renews the peace that comes only from faith in Christ. God is making many blessings sprout up from the pandemic.
But faith is not something we can build through our own efforts. Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit.
To deal with adversity, keep your eyes on Jesus and see him smiling at you! Take time to let him reveal to you his perspective of anything that's worrying you.
Look at the timing of the pandemic! The whole world is going through a Lenten exercise of making sacrifices, whether people understand this or not, regardless of whether or not they believe in Christ. And since God reveals his plans in the timing of things, we can rest assured that the whole world is going to experience an Easter of new life. And after Easter comes the descent of the Holy Spirit. Imagine what might happen throughout the world then!
For this and other episodes in video format, visit https://gnm-media.org/.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - A Divine Military Briefing on COVID-19 - Part 2
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Episode #70: God in his great Mercy is doing something huge with the difficult time we’re suffering. As Terry Modica continues sharing what she learned from the prophetic messages of the retreat she attended last December, she explains what to do with the sufferings and sacrifices we’re enduring now while looking forward with hope to where it’s going to lead. Spoiler alert: The whole world is experiencing a Lenten penance. Easter always comes next. Therefore we can expect that a period of new life is coming and it will bring a new Pentecost to the world.
For this and other episodes in video format, visit https://gnm-media.org/.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - A Divine Military Briefing on COVID-19 - Part 1
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Episode #69: Terry Modica shares the prophetic messages she learned last December attending an Advent retreat in light of what we’re going through today in the worldwide shut-down caused by the coronavirus. The retreat was like a military briefing in regards to what God is doing about the vast and pervasive evil in our world. We have entered into a period of chastisement. But do not be afraid. It’s good news for those of us who follow Christ whole-heartedly. Here’s how to discern what God is doing and focus on the blessings that are already beginning to come out of the very bad times we’re enduring.
For this and other episodes in video format, visit https://gnm-media.org/.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - Dealing with Darkness in Today's World: Part 2
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Episode #68: In the second part of her live presentation, Terry Modica ties together the Coronavirus, the Rosary, and the Oil of Gladness (the Holy Spirit). God has given us everything we need to be victorious over darkness. We can be fearless champions of the Faith. Our sufferings can be turned into joy by discovering how to use them to help others.
For this and other episodes in video format, visit https://gnm-media.org/.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to http://gnm.org/podcast-sponsorship.
For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - Dealing with Darkness in Today's World: Part 1
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Episode #67: Why is there so much darkness in today’s world? Is it part of a planned strategy? The answer is yes. In this live presentation recorded on March 14, 2020, Terry Modica shares the story of how she learned this a long time ago from a satanist high priest who converted to Christ. Members of Generational Satanism have been infiltrating places of influence for decades in order to gradually and subtly convince everyone that evil is good and good is evil. Now that their plan has been realized, God is saying, "Enough!"
Near the end of this episode, Terry talks about a painting she made and the message of faith in it. You can see it here:
For this and other episodes in video format, visit https://gnm-media.org/.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Episode #66: How well are you handling the lifestyle changes forced upon us by the coronavirus? The COVID-19 virus is a calling to trust God. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can discover the blessings he is bringing from it (according to Romans 8:28). Consider the timing: It’s happening during Lent for a divine reason. God in his great mercy is doing something amazing. This episode reveals what that is.
Terry Modica also shares the story of Saint Roch, who is a Patron Saint for stopping plagues.
For more on this, see the WordBytes article “Coronavirus, Chastisement and Cure” https://wordbytes.org/holyspirit/coronavirus-chastisement-and-cure/
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to http://gnm.org/podcast-sponsorship.
For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - Coronavirus and God's Protection
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Episode #65: What's the best way for us as Christians to handle the coronavirus pandemic? Do non-believers see us handling this pandemic any differently than the rest of the world? God wants to minister to others through us so we can show non-believers that Jesus Christ is real, Jesus Christ cares, and Jesus Christ is a healer! But are we truly faith-filled enough for this? The coronavirus pandemic is testing our faith. At such a time as this, we need a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit more than ever.
In this episode, Terry Modica also gives a frank analysis of what the Church is doing right and what our bishops and parish priests are not (yet) doing to increase the faith of the people during the coronavirus crisis. When they cancel Masses to protect people, guess who is happy about it: the devil! Let's fight the coronavirus as a Church who truly believes in Christ as our Protector and Healer.
For more on this, see the WordBytes article “Coronavirus, Chastisement and Cure” https://wordbytes.org/holyspirit/coronavirus-chastisement-and-cure/
For this and other episodes in video format, visit https://gnm-media.org/.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/
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To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to http://gnm.org/podcast-sponsorship.
For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven - Unite your sufferings to Jesus for healing
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Episode #64: Terry Modica leads you through an experience of uniting your sufferings to Jesus for your healing and for the healing of others and for their salvation. Learn to identify the various hardships that connect you to the hardships that Jesus suffered. This will unite you to Jesus’ love and compassion more than ever before. Your feelings of hurt, sorrow, and the sting of rejection can tune you into the deep feelings that Jesus has for you. You will be healed by what you do with this episode!
For this and other episodes in video format, and to download the transcript, visit https://gnm-media.org/unite-your-sufferings-to-jesus-for-healing.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com
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For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven – See Jesus Smiling At You
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Episode #63: Is your relationship with Jesus Christ so strong, so firm, so solid that you turn over all your worries to him? He died on the Cross for you and will therefore do everything else that’s good for you! To help you overcome any doubts about his concern for you, here’s how to see Jesus smiling at you. This episode includes a spiritual exercise for creating an interior sacred space where you can feel Jesus holding you whenever you need his comfort and where you can hear him speaking to you with love and reassurance.
For this and other episodes in video format, visit https://gnm-media.org/.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/.
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For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Footsteps to Heaven – How to Fortify Your Faith
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Episode #62: Is your life so well fortified that you can withstand the problems you’re facing in such a way that you still have the peace of Christ and even joy? Ephesians 6:10-13 tells us that we are on a battlefield; demons want to diminish our trust in God, but God has given us everything we need to be victors. In this episode, Terry Modica shares ideas on how to fortify your faith more completely. She uses as an example the story of how a Good News Ministries conference was rescued through an act of complete surrender and explains how this fortified her faith.
For this and other episodes in video format, visit https://gnm-media.org/.
Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: http://footstepstoheaven.com/.
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For more faith-builders, visit us at http://gnm.org.