
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Mario Costabile "Array of Hope" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #124
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Becky Eldridge "The Inner Chapel" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #123
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Jessica Ptomey "Home in the Church" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #121
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Cathy Gilmore "Tiny Virtue Heroes" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #119
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Dr. Joseph White "Listening for God" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #118
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Soren and Ever Johnson "Trinity House" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #117
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Teresa Tomeo “Conquering Coronavirus” - Lisa Hendey & Friends #116
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Father Edwin Leahy, O.S.B. "Benedict Men" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #115
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Ryan and Mary-Rose Verret "Witness to Love" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #114
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Natasha Howes "Fatima" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #113
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Allison Gingras "Seeking Peace" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #112
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Anthony DeStefano "Our Lady's Wardrobe" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #111
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Mark Bosco, S.J. and Elizabeth Coffman "Flannery" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #110
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
On this week's show, we meet Mark Bosco, S.J. and Elizabeth Coffman, the filmmakers behind the new documentary "Flannery" coming soon to virtual cinemas nationwide.
About the Filmmakers:
Mark Bosco, S.J. is a Jesuit priest and a professor. He is an authority on the works of Flannery O'Connor and Graham Greene. Mark’s most recent book is Graham Greene’s Catholic Imagination, published by Oxford University Press. He is the Vice President for Mission and Ministry at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Flannery is his first film.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Jim Coleman "Tolton: From Slave to Priest" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #109
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
On this week's show, the history of a saint in the making comes to life as we discuss the story and legacy of Ven. Fr. Augustus Tolton with actor Jim Coleman, who portrays Fr. Tolton in the St. Luke's Production play "Tolton: From Slave to Saint".
About Jim Coleman:
A Hollywood actor for over 30 years, Jim Coleman stars as Ven. Fr. Augustus Tolton in Saint Luke Productions' "Tolton: From Slave to Priest" play touring the country. He is best known for his starring role as Roger Parker in the hit Nickelodeon series "My Brother and Me." His filmography includes "Ant-Man," "The Quad," "Ace Ventura," "American Gangster," and "Law and Order." He says his role as Fr. Tolton “is the most meaningful one I’ve had in my whole career. Fr. Tolton’s story needs to be told. As a black man, this very important part of history is something that I want the world to hear about. I truly feel blessed to be the one to share Fr. Augustus Tolton with all who will listen!” Jim and his wife Robin reside in Florida.
About Tolton: From Slave to Saint:
"Tolton: From Slave to Priest," the remarkable story of America's first black priest who lived 1854-1897, is a captivating multi-media live production, filled with music, drama, and inspiring performances. It brings a message of hope and healing for the wounds that plague our culture. "Tolton" is having a powerful impact in our country, drawing all people to the truth of Jesus Christ.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Kramer Soderberg "Fill Your Cup for Christ" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #108
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
On this week's show, we talk faith, basketball and life with Kramer Soderberg, author of the new book Fill Your Cup for Christ: A Journey Sown & Grown through Sports.
About Kramer Soderberg:
College basketball coach and first-time author, Kramer Soderberg, is a devoted husband to his wife, Andrea, and father. Son of long time college basketball coach, Brad Soderberg, Kramer grew up in Saint Charles, Missouri where he excelled on the basketball court at both the high school and college levels. Kramer is currently an assistant men's basketball coach at Millikin University in Decatur, Illinois. Kramer devotes much of his free time to growing in his Catholic faith and spreading his love of Jesus to others through speaking opportunities and personal interactions throughout his community.
About Fill Your Cup for Christ:
Fill Your Cup for Christ looks to help lay-Catholics grow in their understanding and love of the Catholic Church. The book was written to help inspire and motivate Catholics to grow in their relationship with Christ and pursue a deeper and more authentic faith life by learning to strive for spiritual greatness in the midst of everyday life.
For More Information:
- Fill Your Cup for Christ at Amazon
- Find Kramer on Instagram @ACatholicCoach
- Find Kramer on Twitter @CoachKSodie
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
On this week's show, we're joined by Jaymie Stuart Wolfe, the editor of the new Ave Maria Press book Teachings for an Unbelieving World: Newly Discovered Reflections on Paul’s Sermon at the Areopagus.
About Jaymie Stuart Wolfe:
Jaymie Stuart Wolfe is the editor of the book Teachings for an Unbelieving World: Newly Discovered Reflections on Paul’s Sermon at the Areopagus.
About Teachings for An Unbelieving World:
Teachings for an Unbelieving World is a newly discovered work written by St. John Paul II—then Archbishop Karol Wojtyła of Kraków—in the years just after Vatican II. He uses St. Paul’s sermon to the people of Athens in Acts 17 as a framework for articulating the faith in a culture of skepticism and unbelief. These thirteen brief reflections provide compelling teaching for Catholics in today’s post-Christian world and give fresh insight into JPII’s pontificate. This is the first English-language publication of this important work.
Learn more about Teachings for an Unbelieving World at Ave Maria Press
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Dominic Albano "The Fundamental Theory of Happiness - Lisa Hendey & Friends #106
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
On this week's show, author and speaker Dominic Albano offers some tips and insights to help us to find purpose and to achieve one of life's greatest goals based on the work in his new book The Fundamental Theory of Happiness.
About Dominic Albano:
Dominick Albano is a Catholic author and speaker. He likes baseball and burritos. He wants people to fall in love with Jesus. He has two books (The Fundamental Theory of Happiness and The Essential Guide to Prayerful Decisionmaking).
About The Fundamental Theory of Happiness:
Happiness is not a science. It is an art. There are rules and guidelines that once we learn them and live them lead to a true and lasting happiness. By examining the fundamentally happy role models of our modern age, the lessons learned throughout history, the best research from the most prestigious institutions, and personal life experience, this book gives the reader insight into their own journey with happiness. That insight is combined with practical and actionable steps to begin living a happier life, right now!
Visit Dominic Albano at www.DominicAlbano.com
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet "Pray Fully" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #105
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
On this week's show, authors and speakers Emily Jaminet and Michele Faehnle join us to discuss a fruitful spiritual life for a conversation about the new book Pray Fully: Simple Steps for Becoming a Woman of Prayer.
About Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet:
Michele Faehnle is a school nurse at St. Andrew School in Upper Arlington, Ohio, and the host of Answering the Call on St. Gabriel Radio. She is a contributor to CatholicMom.com, codirector of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference, and coauthor of Divine Mercy for Moms, The Friendship Project, and Our Friend Faustina.
Emily Jaminet is executive director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network and a contributor to CatholicMom.com and coauthor of Divine Mercy for Moms, The Friendship Project, and Our Friend Faustina. She serves on the board of directors of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference. Jaminet offers a daily segment called A Mother’s Moment on St. Gabriel Catholic Radio and Mater Dei Radio.
About Pray Fully:
In Pray Fully, Faehnle and Jaminet share basic prayer principles that have helped them to become women of prayer:
. make time for personal, daily communication with Jesus
. spend time meditating and engaging in other spiritual practices such as adoration or the Examen
. recognize the critical times of each day when you need a “prayer boost”
. live deeply in the sacraments and enrich your life with sacramentals
. record your intentions and thank God for answered prayer
Encouraging stories and practical advice—including tips from the lives and writings of the saints—questions for personal reflection and private meditation, and journaling space will help you develop a lifelong dialogue with God.
Inspire the faith (inspirethefaith.com) is the platform of Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet to share additional free resources with their readers such as free videos and study guides.
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Marie Miller "Little Dreams" - Lisa Hendey & Friends #104
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
On this week's show, we converse about the joy of music, creating during Coronavirus, and the beauty of "Little Dreams" with singer/songwriter Marie Miller.
About Marie Miller
Marie Miller is a singer/songwriter and mandolin player from the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. She grew up on a small vineyard with her parents and nine siblings in an old house named Glenway. Her most notable performance was for Pope Francis and 700,000 attendees at the Festival of Families in Philadelphia, PA.
About Little Dreams
With LITTLE DREAMS Miller has chosen to return to the acoustic, folk-oriented, approach of her roots. But she’s still creating music for the same reason she always has: a desire to connect people with beauty, solace, and cheer. “It’s the reason why I came, the reason why I’ll stay,” to pull a line from the album’s title track. “No matter where I go, beauty finds me somehow,” she says. Still, LITTLE DREAMS isn’t following the script of “happily ever after” after hard times; this is an album that encounters the moments when all seems dark, and cold winds threaten to blow out your internal spark. Everyone’s got that spark. For Miller, it’s to make music that asks listeners to acknowledge their own spark— the motivating force that reminds us all why we’ve been put on this earth.
For more information:
Check out books by Lisa Hendey at Amazon and find all of our book and movie suggestions at Lisa's Amazon Influencer list. For Lisa's speaking schedule visit www.LisaHendey.com. Send your feedback to lisahendey@gmail.com or connect with Lisa on social media @LisaHendey.