
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Clumsy Theosis - What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
To know God's voice and to follow it. That is at the heart of the Christian life. As a Child of God, God is speaking to you all day long. Do you know what God's voice sounds like? Listen as Richaél Lucero identifies the four most common modes you can hear God's voice in a real and personal way today.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1P7
—Declaration in this episode can be found here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1P7

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Summary to come. SHOW NOTES: —DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate —Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH —This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. https://wp.me/P7RT88-1tG —Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> TBA Follow me online! Website— www.clumsytheosis.net Youtube—https://bit.ly/YoutubeClumsyTheosis Instagram— www.instagram.com/clumsytheosis Twitter— www.twitter.com/ClumsyTheosis Facebook— www.facebook.com/clumsytheosis Pinterest— www.pinterest.com/clumsytheosis

Monday Nov 08, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - The Eyes of Faith: What The Virtue of Faith Helps You See
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
When you think about the virtue of Faith, this iconic infomercial phrase should come to mind. “But wait! There’s more!” Faith is a gift by which we believe in God and believe all that he has revealed to us. When you have the eyes of faith God's revelation is constant. Listen as Richaél Lucero points out how God uses this virtue to reveal how each event in your day is a supernatural one.

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - Repost | Did You Know Halloween Is Catholic?
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Halloween is All Hallows Eve—the evening we begin to celebrate the saints. But the customs and traditions it holds seem far removed from the glorious saints. Or are they? Can we still find Catholic elements in our modern day festivities no matter how macabre? What about ancient pagan feasts—do they have a valid link to Halloween? Find out in this episode with Richaél Lucero.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> clumsytheosis.net/2020/10/30/did-y…een-is-catholic/
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Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - Run With Perseverance
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Sharing some wisdom from C.S. Lewis, Richaél Lucero explains why God doesn’t want rule followers. Instead he wants people who have a special quality of character. A quality that eggs them on to persevere. Like athletes who train even when they're tired and their muscles fatigued—God is conditioning us to be spiritual athletes.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. wp.me/P7RT88-1tG
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1ws
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Monday Sep 20, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - How Temperance Actually Gives You More
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
What is today's formula for happiness? In a word, MORE. Happiness is to have it all, experience it all—and to the nth degree. This sounds nothing like the virtue of temperance. The irony is that when we practice temperance we end up with more. And this more actually satisfies. It's the Christian paradox! Listen as Richaél Lucero reveals how this is possible.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. wp.me/P7RT88-1tG
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1w9
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Monday Sep 06, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - Heroic Virtue & Holy Detachment
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Heroic virtue isn’t just for the martyrs—it’s for all the faithful. The key to living heroic virtue is *holy detachment.* But holy detachment is not about emptiness or nothingness. It's actually about being filled up! Listen to learn more of what holy detachment is, isn't, and why it goes hand-in-hand with heroic virtue. Plus, Richaél Lucero will explain how to practice holy detachment.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. wp.me/P7RT88-1tG
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1vw
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Monday Aug 30, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - Courage, Dear Heart
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Courage. Both a virtue and a gift from the Holy Spirit. Both intended to be inseparable by God. And both masterfully captured through three words in C.S. Lewis’ Narnia series; "Courage, dear heart." Richaél Lucero ties Lewis' work with scripture and Church teaching on courage in this episode. Listen as she demonstrates how the gift develops the virtue and their lasting effect.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. wp.me/P7RT88-1tG
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1v4
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Friday Aug 20, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - How to Develop Virtues: 3 Simple Steps
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
You can grow in virtue—and thus holiness—with three simple steps. Yes, you read that—only three steps. Listen as Richaél Lucero provides actionable and tactical tips to develop any virtue. Using the oh-so-relatable example of the morning alarm snooze button, she'll walk you through all the elements of each step. Get ready to grow your virtue game.
Show notes:
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. wp.me/P7RT88-1tG
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1uP
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Monday Aug 16, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - Justice and the Gift of Piety
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Justice. Is it about punishment or vengeance? Many would say "yes." Jesus and the Church say "no." Mystic and saint, Bridget of Sweden said, "the source of justice is not vengeance but charity." As in love! And she was right! Richaél Lucero looks at the work of St. Thomas Aquinas to clarify the misunderstood virtue of justice. To show that it is rooted in love and for human flourishing. Plus the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us to live the virtue of justice, piety.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. wp.me/P7RT88-1tG
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1ub

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - The Virtues Gone Mad
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Vices, bad. Virtues, good. Right? Not according to G.K. Chesterton. He'd say, when compared, "the virtues wander more wildly, and the virtues do more terrible damage." How is that possible?! That's what happens when they become isolated from the other virtues—especially prudence. Listen as Richaél Lucero breaks down how this can happen. And why it has a negative effect on a positive thing like a virtue. Plus why the Church Fathers would agree with Chesterton.
Show Notes:
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. TBA
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1sq
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Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - Prudence and the Gift of Counsel
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Do you know someone who always seems to know what to do, when to do it, and how to get it done right? They have what we call the virtue of prudence. Richaél Lucero is digging into all things prudence related in this episode. Listen to learn about the daughter virtues of prudence, different types of prudence, the sins against prudence (and how to guard against them), and the gift of the Holy Spirit that corresponds with prudence.
Show Notes:
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. TBA
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1rq
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Friday Jul 16, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - God's Design for Your Happiness: Natural Virtue
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Grace builds on nature. If we want to grow in supernatural virtue, we must heed this saying. We start by first setting a foundation of natural virtue. Richaél Lucero explains how that's done, what natural virtue is, and why it's important in the lives of all people. Plus, what God wants to do with it for our eternal benefit.
Show Notes:
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. TBA
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1r7
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Friday Jul 09, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - St. Benedict and How to Pray When You're Busy
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
If daily uninterrupted prayer is the ideal, what does that imply about the rest of our daily activities—are they less meaningful? With this practice established by monks of old, even the busy person can elevate their daily work and stay connected to God without missing a beat. Richaél Lucero outlines how you can too.
*This episode was originally released July 27, 2019 as "Make Work Your Prayer"
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1qu
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Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - Theosis and the Virtues
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
"The goal of the virtuous life is to become like God," St. Gregory of Nyssa. As a Christian this is your mission—theosis, become like God. Cultivating the virtues is essential for theosis. So, how are you growing in virtue? Do you have a routine, strategy, or even a general approach? Richaél Lucero explains what virtues are, where they come from, how we get them, and God's presence in the process.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. TBA
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1pD
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Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Grab the Sword of the Spirit and start praying in the Spirit. It's the final episode of the series and time to finish suiting up for spiritual warfare. Listen as Richaél Lucero reveals what St. Paul meant by Word of God.* And how to use it for both defense and offense. You'll also learn how prayer in the Spirit binds and animates the whole armor of God. Plus how to actually do it. *Hint: it's not only the bible.
This series combines a bible study on the armor of God and spiritual warfare. Each episode goes over one of seven pieces of armor. This is armor piece number one.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. wp.me/P7RT88-1ag
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1m9
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Monday May 17, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - Helmet of Salvation: Spiritual Warfare and the Armor of God
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
The Helmet of Salvation. Your fifth piece of armor in the spiritual battle. Its spiritual identity, another virtue. To find out which virtue, listen to Richaél Lucero. She learned the answer from St. Paul himself. Got instruction on its use from St. John Chrysostom. And practical advice from St. Cyprian of Carthage. You'll also hear some insights from two of your fellow listeners.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. wp.me/P7RT88-1ag
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1k6
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Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
Get ready to put on two pieces of the armor of God today. The foot coverings of the gospel of peace and the shield of faith. Listen as Richaél Lucero explains the paradox behind the curious title of the gospel of peace. Because let's face it, it sounds odd in the context of training for battle. You'll also learn the striking reliance the shield of faith has on it, the belt of truth, and the breastplate of righteousness.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here >> wp.me/P7RT88-1ag
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1i8
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Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
Righteousness. It's common Christian jargon. But its meaning is often misunderstood. Combine it with a piece of armor—breastplate of righteousness—and it becomes more fuzzy. A fuzziness we can't afford in our spiritual warfare. Listen to Richaél Lucero for a clear explanation of the breastplate of righteousness. And its practical application in your daily battle.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here. >> wp.me/P7RT88-1ag
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1ep
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Monday Apr 26, 2021
Clumsy Theosis - The Belt of Truth: Spiritual Warfare and the Armor of God
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
"Gird your loins with the belt of truth." It's the first instruction when putting on the armor of God. What's the belt of truth? How do you gird your loins with it? And what impact does this piece of armor have on your spiritual warfare? Richaél Lucero answers all of these questions. Plus where the belt of truth is most needed in your life. (It's probably not where you expected.)
This series combines a bible study on the armor of God and spiritual warfare. Each episode goes over one of seven pieces of armor. This is armor piece number one.
—DONATE! Monthly or one-time: www.clumsytheosis.net/donate
—Email list sign up: eepurl.com/gItxjH
—This series. Listen to the rest of this series and share it with friends here.
—Show notes: Get all the scriptures, quotes, resources, episodes, and links mentioned in this episode here >> wp.me/p7RT88-1a0
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