
Friday Feb 04, 2022

Friday Jan 28, 2022
Catholic Man Show - 5 Tips to Fasting
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Why should we fast? What spiritual benefits are there to fasting? What are some tips to fasting? (David makes fun of Adam for one of his tips)

Friday Jan 21, 2022

Friday Jan 14, 2022

Friday Jan 07, 2022

Friday Dec 24, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Hierarchy of Gratitude
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
So much to be grateful for, especially this time of year. Let’s talk about ways to be grateful during the Advent and Christmas seasons.
About our drink:
About our gear:
We continue reading Christmas poetry.
About the Topic:
Hierarchy of gratitude:
- God
- Our Parents
- The person that excels in dignity, from whom general favors proceed
- A benefactor from whom we have received particular and private favors
Summa – the natural order requires that he who has received a favor should, by repaying the favor, turn to his benefactor according to the mode of each.[1]
The grateful person sees reality as it is. Everything as gift.
Francis De Sales – Intro to the Devout Life: Of poverty of spirit in the midst of riches.
“There is a difference between having poison and being poisoned”
Steps to growing in gratitude – Catholic Digest
- Prayer, prayer, prayer
- Surround yourself with people who are grateful for life
- Attitudes are contagious
- Materialism fuels our ingratitude
- Before we make purchases (planned or otherwise) say a prayer
- Instead of rewarding children with things, reward them with experiences
- Will this gift end up in the trash in a week?
- Refusing to forgive is a major obstacle to gratitude
- Failure to forgive places burdens on our soul
- Worry and Anxiety also lead us away from gratitude
- “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7
- There is a direct link between screen time and anxiety
- Practice custody of our language
- Just like custody of the eyes. Grumbling or venting does not help, it is a consummation with our interior feelings. Stop complaining, be happier
- Regular confession
- Meditate on our Lord’s mercy
- Memento Mori
- Having Heaven as our context helps us be grateful for everything, especially our trials

Monday Dec 20, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - My Peace I Give You
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
What is peace? How do you obtain it? How do you know if you are following God’s will?
About our drink:
About our gear:
Poetry Time! For the next couple of weeks, we are reading some Christmas poetry.
About the Topic:
Everyone desires to have peace. Even when your life is hectic, it is still possible to have inner peace. We talk about how to obtain peace, how to know God’s will, and how to order your life.

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Catholicism, Radio, and Jesus with Cy Kellett
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Cy Kellett joins us in the studio to talk about Catholicism, radio, and Jesus!
About our drink:
About our gear:
About the Topic:
How popular Catholicism has changed over the years. What it means to carry your cross. Weird Catholic radio questions. And how to evangelize. We talk about this and more with Catholic Answers Live radio host, Cy Kellett.
Cy Kellett is the host of Catholic Answers Live. He formerly hosted The Bright Side with Cy Kellett on the Immaculate Heart Radio network. For more than a decade Kellett was editor of San Diego’s diocesan newspaper, The Southern Cross. Before that, he taught high school and then spent several years working with the homeless mentally ill in Massachusetts while living in a Catholic Worker house. Kellett and his wife, Missy, have three children.

Friday Dec 03, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Advent Traditions
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
How do you prepare for Christmas during the Advent season? What are some of your family traditions? How do you keep your children focused on Christmas during the holiday madness? Let’s chat.
About our drink:
About our gear:
Vices. What are some of the best vices to buy on the market? Also, David tells a crazy story of how he acquired his new vice.
Here’s what popular mechanics has to say on the best vices to buy.
About the Topic:
How do you prepare for Christmas during the Advent season? What are some of your family traditions? How do you keep your children focused on Christmas during the holiday madness? We talk about that and more in this week’s episode.

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Ecce Homo
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
What is the current state of masculinity? What is a Catholic understanding of masculinity? How do we transform families, parishes, and society by engaging men to evangelize? We talk with Fr. Jon Fincher about this and more!
About our drink:
Bells Brewery Expedition Russian Imperial Stout
One of the earliest examples of Russian Imperial Stouts in the United States, Expedition Stout offers immensely complex flavors crafted specifically with aging in mind.
A huge malt body is matched with a heady blend of chocolate, dark fruit and other aromas. The flavors will slowly meld and grow in depth as the beer ages in your cellar.
About our gear:
We talk about Fr. Jon Fincher’s thesis for the completion of the licentiate program in moral theology.
About the Topic:
We talk about fatherlessness, how boys aren’t growing up, biology vs. culture, the creation of man in the Imago Dei, Jesus as the model of man, man’s role in the family, parish, and society, and more with Fr. Fincher in this week’s episode.

Saturday Nov 20, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Devotion to Mary
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
What are some great Marian books? What are the errors regarding True Devotion to Mary? Why Mary will bring us closer to Jesus. Let’s discuss!
About our drink:
Annapolis Hard Cider sent us several different ciders to try. They were all delicious and worth having. A great compliment to your holiday dinners. Check them out!
Thank you, Annapolis Cider, for sending us some of your delicious ciders
About our gear:
Top Marian books for Adam:
True Devotion to Mary
Hail, Holy Queen
Echo of God
33 days to Morning Glory
Champions of the Rosary
Behold your Mother
About the Topic:
A true devotion is defined as a “promptness of the will in the service of God” – Aquinas
Errors of a True Devotion:
1. In wishing to go to our Lord without passing through Mary. Some Catholics do not see clearly enough how expedient it is to have recourse to the Blessed Virgin in order to enter the intimacy of Christ.
2. They fear that devotion toward her is abused and that injury is done to our Lord by paying excessive honor to BVM.
3. Seems to consider Mary a hindrance in reaching divine union, whereas all her influence is exercised in order to lead us to it.
“To neglect the mediators whom God has given us because of our weakness, shows a lack of humility. Intimacy with our Lord in prayer will be greatly facilitated by frequent recourse to Mary.”
EX: Asking Mary to help make a good examination of conscience and confession.
“There are Catholics who do not see clearly enough the necessity of having recourse to Mary that they may attain to intimacy with the Savior” – Fr. RGL
Degrees of the Devotion:
1. Consists in praying to the BVM from time to time, honoring her as the Mother of God, saying, for example, the Angelus with true recollection every time it rings.
2. Having more perfect sentiments of vereration, confidence, and love for Mary. Lead us to the daily recitation of at least one of the three parts of the Rosary while we meditate on the joyful, sorrowful, or glorious mysteries, which are for us the road of eternal life.
Page 27 in Secrets of the Rosary on why the rosary is more efficacious than reading the psalms.
3. True devotion to Mary, that proper to proficients, consists in consecrating oneself entirely to our Lord through her. “This devotion consists in giving oneself entirely to the BVM in order to belong entirely to Jesus Christ through her.”
CCC 964: Mary’s role in the Church is inseparable from her union with Christ and flows directly from it. “This union of the mother with the Son in the work of salvation is made manifest from the time of Christ’s virginal conception up to his death”;504 it is made manifest above all at the hour of his Passion
Fruits of the Devotion:
St. Louis de Montfort says that this road to God is easier, and nevertheless more meritorious, and consequently a more perfect, short, and sure road.
“But thanks to Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort,” he wrote in 2004 in the Letter to the Religious of the Montfortian Families, “I understood that authentic devotion to the Mother of God is truly Christocentric (…). Reading True Devotion marked a turning point in my life. I say a ‘turning point’ although it is a long inner journey that coincided with my clandestine preparation for the priesthood. I realized (…) something fundamental. It happened that the devotion of my childhood and even my adolescence to the Mother of Christ gave way to a new attitude, a devotion coming from the depths of my faith, as from the very heart of the Trinitarian and Christological reality.” -JP2
1 Cor. 4:16, “I urge you, then, be imitators of me.” The saints show us how to imitate Christ.
“Everyone should have a genuine devotion to Mary and entrust his life to her motherly care.” Vatican II document Decree of the apostolate of lay people

Friday Nov 12, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Sports, Virtue, and Raising a Family
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
There are great virtues that can be developed through sports. However, if not properly ordered, it can cause a breakdown in the domestic church. Our guest, David Dean, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma, joins us to talk about this and his time in the Humanities program at KU with John Senior.
About our drink:
Hunt down a grill and gather your ancestors, because the Ardbeg BBQ Smoker is bringing the everyday cookout into a new age!
This gift pack includes one BBQ Smoker and one bottle of Ardbeg An Oa – the perfect spirit for sippin’ and tearin’. Small but mighty, the smoker lets you surround your food with smoke in just a few easy steps. Simply fill the puck with wood chips, lay it at the back of your grill, wait until your BBQ is sufficiently smoky, place your food around the puck, smoke it out some more, and voilà!
Once your food is smoked, cooked, and practically falling off the bone, all that’s left to do is plate up and pair with a delectably smooth dram of Ardbeg An Oa.
Ardbeg An Oa’s rounded and subtly smoky aromas make it the prime spirit for toasting by the BBQ. With notes of thick cigar smoke, roasted tea leaves and grilled artichokes, this whisky is the perfectly peaty dance partner for your smoky culinary creations.
ABV: 46.6%
About our gear:
About the Topic:
How long have we been playing sports? What are the benefits of sports in a child’s development and growth in virtue? What is the end of sports for most people? What do you need to be aware of as a Catholic dad when getting your kids into sports? How will it affect the family?
We discuss this and much more with David Dean, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma.

Friday Nov 05, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Rules of Life
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
St. Francis de Sales wrote a book called “The Secret of Sanctity” and in it, he provides 18 rules to life. We discuss them on this week’s episode.
About our drink:
Compass Box Peat Monster – New batches of the Peat Monster boast a spectrum of powerful coastal flavours, combining the smokiness of a driftwood fire with more medicinal peat notes. Orchard fruits and rich cask-derived creaminess balance the multi-layered smoke. It is a new peaty landscape, as the Painting Label shows.
About our gear:
The Secret of Sanctity – OUR GREAT HAPPINESS as Christians is to possess, in this world, through grace and love, Him Who deigns to be our beatitude for all eternity; and our greatest misfortune, after sin, is not to know or to recognize this secret of eternal charity. God would have us holy even as He is holy; He would have us live His very life. It is for this end that He has given us His divine Son, and with Him the infinite riches of His heart; that is. His merits. His sacraments, His Church. Sanctity consists in believing and receiving these divine communications, of which Jesus Christ is the source, the instrument, and the end; consequently, it also consists in uniting ourselves with Him by loving Him, and in modelling ourselves upon Him by imitating Him; it can and ought to pervade every life, the busiest as well as the simplest.
About the Topic:
St. Francis de Sales gives 18 “rules of life” in his book The Secret of Sanctity. Some you would be able to guess, others you might not. We talk about them in this week’s episode.

Friday Oct 29, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Loving Like a Man
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
What are the best ways to show your love to your wife and your family? How do you feel loved and how does your wife feel loved? In this episode, we talk about the five love languages and why they are important to understand.
About our drink:
Influenced by the world’s greatest winemakers, we are obsessively bringing the same intellectual drive, methodology & rigor to single malt whisky.
Using 100% Irish barley, widely considered to be the world’s finest, our new Single Farm Origin series is an uber-provenance range of limited edition natural whiskies that explore Irish terroir one farm, once place, at a time. They are expressions of precision and rarity, showcasing barley flavors derived from individual Irish farms and harvests.
About our gear:
A bouquet of flowers.
When’s the last time you got your wife flowers? It’s probably been too long.
About the Topic:
Dr. Gary Chapman published his book in 1992
Titus 2: 4: Have the older women “train the younger women to love their husbands and children”
People give and receive love in different ways. Here are the 5 love languages:
- Acts of Service
- Words of Affirmation
- Quality Time
- Physical Touch
- Gift Giving
Most people will naturally communicate best in their primary love language.

Friday Oct 29, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Four Temperaments
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
What are the temperaments? Why are they important to know? How can they help you to grow in virtue?
About our drink:
Ron Centenario 25 Gran Reserva
Centenario 25 is a blend of rums aged in white American oak for up to 25 years in a traditional solera system.
About our gear:
About the Topic:
We talk about the four temperaments, why they are important to understand for the spiritual life, and how they will help you grow in virtue.

Friday Oct 22, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Andrew Willard Jones Interview: Church and State
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Deacon Harrison Garlick interviews Andrew Willard Jones on Church and State.
About our drink:
About our gear:
Before Church and State: A Study of Social Order in the Sacramental Kingdom of St. Louis IX
Before Church and State: A Study of Social Order in the Sacramental Kingdom of St. Louis IX by Andrew Willard Jones explores in great detail the “problem of Church and State” in thirteenth-century France. It argues that while the spiritual and temporal powers existed, they were not parallel structures attempting to govern the same social space in a contest over sovereignty. Rather, the spiritual and the temporal powers were wrapped up together in a differentiated and sacramental world, and both included the other as aspects of their very identity. The realm was governed not by proto-absolutist institutions, but rather by networks of friends that cut across lay/clerical lines. Ultimately, the king’s “fullness of power” and the papacy’s “fullness of power” came together to govern a single social order.
The prevailing narrative of human history, given to us as children and reinforced constantly through our culture, is the plot of progress. As the narrative goes, we progressed from tyranny to freedom, from superstition to science, from poverty to wealth, from darkness to enlightenment. This is modernity’s origin myth. Out of it, a consensus has emerged: part of human progress is the overcoming of religion, in particular Christianity, and that the world itself is fundamentally secular.
The Two Cities: A History of Christian Politics
In The Two Cities: A History of Christian Politics, Andrew Willard Jones rewrites the political history of the West with a new plot, a plot in which Christianity is true, in which human history is Church history.
The Two Cities moves through the rise and fall of empires; cycles of corruption and reform; the rise and fall of Christendom; the emergence of new political forms, such as the modern state, and new political ideologies, such as liberalism and socialism; through the horrible destruction of modern warfare; and on to the plight of contemporary Christians. These movements of history are all considered in light of their orientation toward or away from God.
The Two Cities advances a theory of Christian politics that is both an explanation of secular politics and a proposal for Christians seeking to navigate today’s most urgent political questions.
About Deacon Harrison Garlick:
Dcn. Harrison Garlick is a deacon, husband, and father who serves as the chancellor and legal counsel for the Diocese of Tulsa & Eastern Oklahoma. He also serves as a tutor for the Alcuin Institute for Catholic Culture teaching in its Great Books program. Read his journey in the diaconate.
You can follow Dcn. Garlick on Twitter here.
About Andrew Willard Jones:
Andrew Willard Jones holds a PhD in Medieval History from Saint Louis University with a focus on the Church of the High Middle Ages. Jones’s work is primarily concerned with historical political theology and with the reconciliation of the post-modern with the pre-modern. Methodologically, his work treats history as a theological discipline and not as a secular archaeology. Jones has two books forthcoming: Before Church and State: A Study of Social Order in St. Louis IX’s Sacramental Kingdom and The Liturgical Cosmos: Explorations in the Sacramental and Biblical Vision of Pope Innocent III. He is also working on a one volume history of the Catholic Church.

Friday Oct 15, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Brett McKay: Art of Manliness (Replay)
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
The Art of Manliness
Special Guest: Brett McKay
Brett McKay founded the Art of Manliness in 2008 and has grown it into the largest independent men’s interest magazine on the web.
Here are a few examples of Brett’s work:
100 Skills Every Man Should Know
How to Increase Testosterone Naturally
Brett McKay’s Books:
The Illustrated Art of Manliness
The Art of Manliness Podcast

Friday Oct 01, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - Fr. Nesbit from Clear Creek Abbey on Mortification
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Fr. Nesbit, Benedictine Monk from Clear Creek Abbey, joins us to discuss the topic of mortification.
About our drink:
Golden orange in color with minimal bitterness. A balanced and refreshing beer with just enough peppery and spicy notes to have you going back for another sip. This highly carbonated beer might have snobs calling it “effervescent.” If anyone questions why you’re getting another one, feel free to give them the side-eye.
About our gear:
About the Topic:
This week we record while at the fifth annual Catholic Man Show Campout at Clear Creek Abbey
Mortification – How to better understand it’s purpose. Why men should be doing it. How to begin a fasting regiment. We discuss this and more in this week’s episode with Fr. Nesbit.
About Clear Creek Abbey:
Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey is a Benedictine community belonging to the Solesmes Congregation. It was founded in 1999 from the Abbey of Our Lady of Fontgombault in France and is located in the diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Having been erected as a simple priory in 2000, Clear Creek became an abbey in 2010. The community currently counts 50 monks.
Like the other monasteries of the Solesmes Congregation, Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey, having devoted itself from the outset wholly to the service of God in the hidden life, is to be counted among the institutes entirely ordered towards contemplation. By virtue of their vocation, the monks devote themselves to God alone in silence and in solitude, in constant prayer, and willing penance.
Visit their website or donate as they plan to build an abbey to last for 1,000 years.

Friday Oct 01, 2021
The Catholic Man Show - How to Better Understand your Parish Priest
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Fr. Brian O’Brien joins Adam to talk about How to Better Understand you Parish Priest
About our drink:
First produced in Maryland in the 1890s, Pikesville Rye, along with the rest of the once-booming Maryland Rye industry, was shuttered by Prohibition. The brand reemerged after Prohibition and became the last standing Maryland Rye, as the rest of the industry’s production had ceased. Now produced in Kentucky from extra-aged barrels stored in prime warehouse locations, Heaven Hill Distillery keeps this historic Maryland mark alive.
About our gear:
About the Topic:
Fr. Brian O’Brien gives us insight on how to understand your parish priest better so we can continue evangelizing the community!

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
The Holy Name of Mary, Winged Hussars, Battle of Vienna, 9/11, Coffee, and Croissants
About our drink:
TCMS Winged Hussar Red Wine
About our gear:
About the Topic:
Who are the winged hussars? Why do they matter? What does 9/11/2001 have in connection to what happened hundreds of years ago? Where did the croissant come from? And how does Mary our Mother play a role in all this? We answer these questions and more in this week’s episode.
About our guest:
Fr. Sean Donovan was ordained June 30th, 2012 in the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma. He is currently pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish in Pawhuska, OK.
Resources mentioned on the show:
The Enemy at the Gate by Andrew Wheatcroft
Islam at the Gates: How Christendom Defeated the Ottoman Turks by Diane Moczar