Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
- 04:42 - Has the Catholic Church changed its understanding of time based on Purgatory? Is the purgation process meritorious for salvation?
- 15:49 - Is a sin truly forgiven completely after confession? Can you share an example of a priest not forgiving someone in confession?
- 23:34 - I’m not Catholic. How do I forgive the sin of my husband’s past who has Alzheimer’s?
- 32:30 - How can you tell the difference between personal thoughts and God’s calling?
- 40:39 - Not a listener, our number was recommended… How can I be true to my Catholic faith while also respecting the people around me with different views?
- 50:02 - How can someone like Adam or Angels choose something evil knowing that it’s evil?
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
- 02:40 - Why would the soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ clothing? They were dirty and bloody, why would they want them?
- 11:27 - Does 2 Tim 3:16 refer to the New Testament? How do non-Catholics know that scripture is inspired?
- 19:30 - Does the bible support a plant-based diet?
- 28:48 - Did all the people that were condemned to be killed by the Israelites deserve to be killed?
- 33:30 - Is the term mustard seed in the bible actually supposed to be mulberry seed?
- 36:54 - Regarding 1 Corinth 13:8-10, what is the Catholic interpretation and perspective on speaking in tongues?
- 47:50 - I heard that the devil attacks us 4 times at the moment of our death. Is this supported anywhere in the bible?
- 50:22 - How do we reconcile all the weird laws in the Old Testament?
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
- 01:20 - I’m a protestant considering converting. Why was it wrong for protestants to take books out of the bible? What should I buy a Catholic bible?
- 11:53 - In Ender’s Game, the villains are a hive mind. If the protagonist kills the queen, resulting in the death of the entire population, is he culpable of the death of one or of many?
- 16:51 - 1 Corinth. 5 How do we know where to draw the line when it comes to expelling members of the Church?
- 21:12 - Who is the Harlot in Revelation?
- 28:31 - Can you explain the difference in translation in Ex 21:22 in the NKJV vs Douay Rheims. Is the woman fined or punished by death?
- 33:24 - Why are people concerned about the charismatic renewal in the Church? How ecumenical can we be towards other charismatic protestants?
- 44:13 - What is the Church doing for people who are willing to adopt? Are there funds or grants available?
- 47:24 - Were there any protestant beliefs within the early Church?
- 52:02 - Could you recommend a biography of G.K. Chesterton and a book by him? www.chesterton.org
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
- 03:53 - Is Mt. 24. about the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D.?
- 15:12 - What happens if someone receives their first communion in mortal sin? Do they have to re-do it?
- 16:52 - My company just announced that they will begin funding employees travel for abortion. What should I do?
- 19:04 - I hear people always describe the Church with “Truth, beauty, and goodness.” What exactly does that mean?
- 29:10 – Is it sinful to engage in traditions or practices belonging to another religion, as I have friends of other faiths and enjoy experiencing how they live?
- 31:27 - Jn 10:28, does Jesus teach eternal security with this passage?
- 35:53 - If an item can be touched to a 1st class relic and become a relic itself, why can’t we do the same with the Eucharist since it is God Himself?
- 35:53 - If an item can be touched to a 1st class relic and become a relic itself, why can’t we do the same with the Eucharist since it is God Himself?
- 42:50 - What would need to happen between confessional Lutherans and Catholics in order to promote unity?
- 46:48 - Is it ok to read books like Stephen King books, Game of Thrones, etc?
- 50:28 - Why do we have two judgments? How would the general judgment work for people who have passed away?
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Supreme Court, Abortion & Religious Liberty
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
- 08:09 - Does the Dobbs decision outlaw procedure for ectopic pregnancies?
- 10:08 - Do you think they will try to overturn other laws like interracial marriages?
- 12:04 - Are there any laws that protect pregnancy centers especially with the danger that they face after Dobbs?
- 28:40 - Could we now force men to have vasectomies to avoid pregnancy?
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Supreme Court, Abortion & Religious Liberty
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
- 23:44 - Would the football coach case also affect religions we don’t like?
- 29:35 - Did the justices address the rights of the child in the Dobbs decision? https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/what-is-the-deal-with-dobbs-v-jackson
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
- 06:47 - Could you unpack Mark 11:22-25? What is the proper interpretation of these verses?
- 14:38 - How do we respond to people who try to discredit Peter as the rock by saying that Jesus is the true rock? https://www.catholic.com/tract/peter-the-rock
- 21:34 - If baptism by desire is true and miscarried babies can also be saved, will they also receive their perfected bodies after the resurrection?
- 32:09 - Does Mt 6:7-9 contradict repetitively praying for a soul who I assume might be in purgatory?
- 39:20 - Can baptized Catholics be claimed by demons since they’ve already been claimed by Christ?
- 43:33 - Do people have to have miracles attributed to them in order to be canonized?
- 47:56 - Does anywhere in Church teaching allow for charging fees for the sacraments? Is charging fees for sacraments licit?
- 52:13 - I’m not a Catholic and am really interested in apostolic succession. Do you have any resources you can share?
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
- 06:10 - Can a baptized protestant receive grace when worshiping God?
- 16:15 - I hear Christians say that it’s not about religion it’s a relationship? How would you respond to that?
- 19:40 - Does everyone in heaven get to have the beatific vision?
- 30:10 - Why is sacramental confession required to receive the Eucharist?
- 37:55 - How does Genesis 3:15 refer to Mary if it states that the woman would have labor pains and Catholics claim that she didn’t experience them?
- 47:09 - Does the New Testament teach that Mary had other children? Were there other people more holy than Mary?
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - After Roe
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
- 15:37 - What can parishes do to support women through pregnancy in general? What legislation can we support?
- 31:15 - My daughter is pro-life but is concerned about the Dobbs decision. She worries that this will be harmful to those sexually assaulted and pregnant. How do you respond to this claim?
- 34:25 - What strategies to we have to support those who are pregnant through rape or incest?
- 38:20 - Are there any biblical text that show that abortion is wrong?
- 42:44 - How can we address the concerns of the father in regard to abortion?
- 46:20 - We need more young passionate women like Molly!
- 49:39 - How can I start a conversation with pro-choice family members? How do I break the ice?
- Resource – Wewerebornready.com
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - How Doctrine Develops
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
- 13:31 - Concerning evolution, did the early world believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis? Was it a dogmatically approved belief until evolution was discovered?
- 20:33 - Was Jesus expecting his disciples to follow the sabbath on Saturday? When did it develop to Sunday?
- 32:47 - Did the Church develop from baptizing in the name of Jesus to a Trinitarian formula?
- 38:06 - Are there any doctrines that are developing right now in regard to governments legislating morality or moral laws?
- 45:15 - Has the Church tried to clarify the understanding of the Trinity? How do we justify this development with the early Church’s understanding of God?
- 50:18 - How do we square the death penalty not being intrinsically evil with the most recent change in the catechism?
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - End of Roe
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
- 05:07 - Why aren’t we thanking Donald Trump more for appointing 3 conservative justices?
- 21:02 - I’m noticing a lot of calls for violence against Catholic churches online. What do we do?
- 31:40 - Do you have any advice on how to start a conversation with friends who are ex-Catholic and very upset with the decision?
- 36:51 - In regard to how we can respond, how did the early Church respond to a culture of infanticide?
- 43:17 - How can anyone celebrate this decision? We condemned people who have been raped.
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - End of Roe
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
- 19:04 - Why isn’t abortion overturned for the whole nation since Roe allowed it for the whole nation?
- 32:05 - What should the punishment be for those involved with abortion where it’s illegal?
- 44:30 - How do I prove that life begins at conception? Resource: https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/how-to-prove-life-begins-at-conception
- 48:10 - How can we engage in discussion with people who don’t acknowledge human life in the womb?
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
- 02:51 - If a bishop proclaimed that we should all stand during the consecration, would we be obliged to abide by it?
- 06:07 - What should happen to the eucharist in the monstrance if the adoration chapel is closed overnight?
- 10:23 - My husband just bought the book of Enoch. Is it ok for him to read?
- 13:39 - Does doing good works out of mere responsibility merit anything good?
- 19:09 - In the Hail Holy Queen what does “After this exile” mean? What are your thoughts on RH- blood? Can you do a mysterious world episode?
- 22:50 - Protestants claim that its clear which books are in the bible so sola scriptura isn’t needed. What is your response?
- 32:36 - Aquinas says we should pay latria to the cross. Doesn’t this conflict with the teaching of latria to only God?
- 36:25 - How would you respond to a protestant who says that in the Old Testament they didn’t have a magisterium, so we don’t need one now?
- 41:03 - Does the church teach anything on circumcision and is it ethical in our current time?
- 43:43 - Do we have a responsibility to stay within our own liturgical rite?
- 48:24 - What’s the history of offering bread and wine as a sacrifice leading up to the time of Jesus?
- 51:29 - What should I do with the ashes of a cremated Catholic?
- 52:32 - Which is a better translation: the NAB or the Jerusalem bible?
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
- 04:34 - How can Catholics claim that there is no list of people in hell but invoke anathemas in the councils. How would I respond to this challenge from my Calvinist friend?
- 15:17 - How do we know that the universe did not happen because of a necessary process? Is a personal God necessary for creation? Could it just be an impersonal being that caused creation?
- 19:47 - How do we know that the first cause from Aquinas’ argument is God?
- 24:04 - What bible verses back the claim that we do not adore the Virgin Mary? Looks good
- 34:24 - Can saying the Lord’s prayer during mass act as a sort of act of contrition? Looks good
- 38:15 - Who are spiritual directors? Can they be laymen? When do you know if you need one? How do you find one? Looks good
- 44:02 - Is it possible for us to believe in the 7 days of creation, big bang, and evolution?
- 47:30 - How is it possible for the Catholic Church to have eastern saints post schism?
- 50:40 - Would it make sense to say that the Islamic forces interrupting communications between Christians caused the Great Schism?
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Panel Show
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Panel Show
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
- government funding private schools
- School losing the Catholic title due to flying the BLM and LGBT flags
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
- 04:57 - When Jesus was walking up to the cross and fell 3 times, did that signify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
- 10:10 - Could there be significance in correlating the number of words in a verse to stress the importance in scripture? Send Words of Eternal Life
- 17:27 - Would God allow suffering even if nothing good were to come from it?
- 23:24 - Why did women stop covering their heads in Church?
- 34:26 - St. Gertrude received a prayer to save souls in purgatory. Why don’t we promote this or is this a valid prayer?
- 41:34 - Does the Catholic Church have a teaching on what happens to us after we die?
- 45:55 - I’m a new Catholic. When is it appropriate to ask God for help rather than appeal to Mary?
- 51:02 - I’m starting a bible study with half non-Catholics; how do I market properly to all?
- 53:30 - I’m not Catholic but my husband is. Why do I have to become Catholic if we are all children of God?
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
- 04:51 - How does Molinism not confirm double predestination?
- 14:06 - How does St. Jude’s intercession come into play when asking for his help?
- 20:54 - Would it be abusing confession if you keep bringing up the same mortal sin repeatedly?
- 28:54 - If Mary was sinless, then how is it that she did not fulfill the law?
- 34:53 - Why do Christians still say Yahweh if the Vatican specifically wrote that we shouldn’t be using the word.
- 40:25 - Why did God pick Mary to be Jesus’ mother?
- 45:22 - The Council of Florence claimed that circumcision is mortally sinful. When did that thought change?
- 49:50 - Have there been any saints throughout history that have had demons exorcized out of them?