Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
- 03:20 - My sister’s Catholic and married a Muslim in a mosque but they’re now getting divorced. She went to confession, but the priest said he could not give her reconciliation until she was divorced. Is that correct?
- 07:09 - I went to daily mass this morning and an elderly guy didn’t go up to communion because he had a hard time getting around. I thought the priest should have gone to him and offered it to him. Could I have broken mine in half to make up for an oversight by the priest?
- 13:11 - I was talking to a protestant friend about the Eucharist and I brought up 1 Corinthians 11. He said that doesn’t mean it’s the true body and blood but it’s just affirming your unbelief and hardening your heart. What are your thoughts on this?
- 18:33 - What happens to unborn babies before they’re born? Do they go to “limbo”? If so, how long do they stay there?
- 25:00 - Why do we think the Catholic Church needs to control people’s free will in response to Roe v Wade when God doesn’t control our free will?
- 35:23 - What are the authoritative teachings on the Church’s stance on homosexual acts?
- 43:40 - I come from a Calvinist background. Could you explain St. Augustine’s view of predestination and perseverance of the saints?
- 50:50 - Yesterday in the show the guest left me with the impression that the Blessed Mother didn’t need to be Immaculate to be the mother of Jesus. Is this true?
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
- 03:30 - Could Adam and Eve have fallen into sin without being tempted by the serpent?
- 05:08 - My wife passed away 3 years ago and haven’t gotten over it. The teaching of not being married in the afterlife really bothers me. Can you help clarify?
- 12:07 - Does the Church teach anything about trading in the stock market or crypto currency?
- 13:51 - I’m protestant, how do works play into salvation compared to sola fide?
- 31:02 - What is the Church’s current teaching on usury?
- 37:19 - How literal do we take the verse: “Many are called, but few are chosen?”
- 43:53 - Why does Mary say “My God and My Savior” in Luke? How do we square her being perfect but needing a savior?
- 48:41 - How can we pray to saints and family members in light of bible verses about inquiring of spirits?
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
- 06:34 - What is the historical validity of the bible?
- 16:07 - When is it appropriate to say that a loved one is no longer in purgatory?
- 22:05 - When did the practice of intercessory prayer originate? Why is Calvin’s objection to intercession being a pagan practice false?
- 33:43 - How can we know that Mary did not fall into personal sin if she had free will?
- 39:38 - Are there any angels higher than the archangels? What do they do?
- 43:37 - Why did God decide to incarnate Jesus at that point in history?
- 49:18 - What is the response to the Buddhist claim that the Catholic God is a diluted being that thinks he created the world?
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
- 05:07 - How can we increase our justification in light of Gal. 3:15-18?
- 14:46 - Is it moral to play video games that call upon deities for power?
- 19:38 - Who was Melchizedek
- 28:37 - If the priest didn’t lay his hand on a person receiving confirmation, would the sacrament be valid? Is the validity through the chrism oil?
- 30:51 - Where is confession in the Bible? Also, isn’t it absurd to get your sins forgiven though someone who also sins?
- 34:01 - Does our guardian angel go into confession with us? How many beings are in the confessional at that moment?
- 39:19 - In the Catholic faith, what is the “ticket” to heaven?
- 40:29 - What should I do with a rosary that I no longer want?
- 45:11 - Are the 2 types of speaking in tongues?
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Ask a Priest
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
- 06:35 - I’m starting the diaconate program. How do I navigate the formation process as an orthodox person while my bishop and diocese are not?
- 17:29 - Why do bad things happen to good people like the previous caller who lost his fiancé?
- 28:30 - A protestant asked me this: Would we be carrying/wearing electric chairs if Jesus was sacrificed on an electric chair today?
- 34:12 - How should I pray? Should I pray for a direct sign or pray for the ability to make a good decision?
- 41:15 - Is the phrase “God is slow to anger, and easy to please” biblical?
- 46:04 – I want to encourage Cy and know that we are praying for him.
- 51:17 - How do I find a spiritual director?
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Questions Covered:
05:08 - Can we assume that St. Joseph was assumed into heaven like Mary?
08:35 - What are the parallels between Catholicism and classical theism?
17:15 - Is it possible for someone to live purgatory on earth?
21:35 - What options do I have as a Catholic if my child’s godparents are no longer Catholic?
29:20 - When do we take the bible literally and figuratively?
33:38 - How old do Catholics believe the earth is? How long do they believe it took God to create the cosmos?
36:44 - Do Psalm 32 and Deut. 32 point to a polytheistic understanding of heaven by the Israelites?
41:33 - How can Jesus judge the living and the dead as stated in the Creed?
44:02 - I’m considering conversion to Catholicism. The Marian dogmas are the main hang up. Where can I find more information on dogmas?
51:16 - Is it possible for the Church to add books to the bible? How could this happen?
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
- 05:08 - When we commit mortal sin, besides confession, what else can we do to avoid purgatory?
- 14:32 - Why be Catholic and not just a Protestant Christian?
- 20:16 - I’m in a conversation with a Baptist and they asked: how do we know that tradition is divinely inspired? How do I respond?
- 31:14 - Acts 20:29-30 How do we know that the pope and priests aren’t the people that will lead people away from Christ?
- 37:30 - Why were other books like the Gospel of Thomas not included in the bible? Should they have been included since they mention more about the early life of Jesus?
- 46:12 - Is the Church able to teach heresy? Church indefectibility
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
- 04:46 - Can you explain the Eucharist specifically in terms of a sacrifice?
- 18:20 - In the Old Testament did the Levitical priest have the power to forgive sins or did they merely pronounce God’s Forgiveness?
- 31:15 – Regarding Judah’s death is Acts 1:18 or Mt 27:5 true?
- 35:38 - Is the blood of Christ on the cross the same substance as the blood in the Eucharist?
- 44:54 - Is speaking in tongues the babbling of the Holy Spirit?
- 51:16 - Does needing to go to confession after baptism lessen the efficaciousness of baptism itself?
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Eucharist in the Bible
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
- 22:00 - do they say that you can’t receive the Eucharist if you’ve committed a mortal sin?
- 33:37 - Is there a correlation between the Eucharist and how we are made in the image of the Holy Trinity?
- 45:12 - How often is the Eucharist supposed to be offered and why?
- 47:45 - I did RCIA under Dr. Feingold and am a recent convert. Can you talk about why God chooses to use physical things to be bridges to the eternal?
- 52:30 - I’m a Lutheran, why do Catholics have the sacrificial part? I don’t see it.
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Trusting Jesus
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
- 21:15 - My daughter has bipolar and is in and out of hospitals. How do I fight hopelessness if nothing changes?
- 30:50 - My 15-year-old daughter struggles with anxiety and depression. How can I help her as a mother?
- 38:05 - I’m training to be a childhood counselor. Can you give me preventative advice to avoid anxiety, depression and hopelessness?
- 38:03 - The thing that helped me was to draw a line in the sand. And not let the darkness in.
- 51:16 - Do you have recommendations on things I can do and say to help our society that is so politically divided? We no longer see each other as neighbors, and it causes lots of anxiety.
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Ask a Priest
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
- 02:15 - I’m protestant, I grew up thinking Catholic symbolism was idol worship. Where did we go wrong in that thinking?
- 10:10 - Is God both merciful and just? How does this manifest itself on the cross?
- 17:00 - Is the idea that Anglicanism is not valid an indefinite teaching in the Catholic Church?
- 22:06 - Both cremation and communion in the hand became permissible in the 1960’s. A. What’s the most proper way of disposing of a body? B. When and why did communion in the hand become universal?
- 30:01 - Why isn’t the Church using extraordinary ministers of holy communion or deacons to go give communion at hospitals?
- 32:09 - If Jesus is all merciful and we should be like him, should we be imprisoning murderers and thieves?
- 37:52 - What is the Church’s stance on the Old Catholic Church?
- 44:15 - What is the significance of doing a pilgrimage? What is the best way to prepare for one?
- 47:56 - Is it ok for Catholics to cross-dress in situations like theater or cosplay? What’s the best way to respond to the pro-abortion reply that Catholics are pro-life because it was started in a time of misogyny?
- 52:43 - Jesus said, “Let the dead bury the dead.” Did he mean physically or spiritually?
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Ask a Priest
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
- 15:40 - What should we expect to experience once we die? How will our nature change?
- 20:00 - we called to give to the poor even if we know there will be no change?
- 25:00 - What are your thoughts on women being inserted into the dicastery of bishops?
- 34:43 - Is there a scriptural basis for the two different judgments?
- 38:35 - I just got out of the hospital. An Anglican priest came to visit and give me communion. Is this valid for Catholics to receive? Is it common to have communion wrapped in plastic packaging?
- 46:52 - The catechism says that if you help someone that’s doing something wrong, you’re held accountable. How would this be applicable to the caller who asked about helping her family?
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
- 10:39 - How do we reconcile Vatican 2 teaching on Muslims with the rest of the Church’s historical teaching?
- 18:00 - If God can’t go contrary to his nature and he is good then how can he do evil as said in Isaiah 45:7?
- 22:10 - How is mental illness handled in Christianity specifically dealing with multiple personalities?
- 31:32 - How do we tell the difference between saintliness and mental stability?
- 44:52 - How do we reconcile the 4th Lateran Council and Vatican 2 on no salvation outside of the Church?
- 50:48 - Do Jews believe that God created evil?
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
- 03:55 - Is there any reason we should think that Adam was given a rational soul at the moment of his conception?
- 10:28 - What would be the best way to respond to protestants when they try to claim that St. Augustine believed protestant doctrine?
- 14:55 - Why does the Catechism say that we go to heaven, hell or purgatory right after death if scripture says differently? Why does the Catechism say there are 2 judgements?
- 21:00 - Has Christ provided everything for our salvation?
- 22:40 - Who are the people who Cain was afraid of after he was exiled?
- 28:38 - Do I lose salvation for not going to a Catholic Church? Is the Eucharist essential for salvation?
- 32:47 - When Jesus died, the curtain was torn into two. What’s the significance of that in our Christian life?
- 35:40 - In the Old Testament, how can people believe in false gods especially when they were tested, and nothing happened? When people that go through RCIA and go into the church turn away from the church, are they held accountable for their actions?
- 43:29 - Revelation 12:9-12 says that St. Michael will fight with the devil. What exactly does that mean?
- 48:43 - Follow up on torn veil question: Rending one’s garments was used as a form of mourning. This meaning can also be used to describe the veil being torn in two.
- 50:38 - What are your thoughts on us having unused DNA and us possibly using it in the next life?
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Why Aren’t You Catholic?
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
- 01:12 - I’m not Catholic because of a long series of Socratic conversations with Catholics who don’t have a complete understanding. I don’t think they are intellectually honest.
- 15:53 - I’m contemplating leaving Catholicism. I have a problem with the idea that missing Sunday mass is a mortal sin.
- 28:30 - I’m not Catholic because of the Council of Nicaea and how they changed the Sabbath to Sunday.
- 44:20 - I’m not Catholic because of Daniel 7:25.
- 50:53 - I just converted to Catholicism because the Episcopal church changed when it came to sexual ethics.
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Why Aren’t You Catholic?
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
- 06:19 - I was raised in the Pentecostal Church and taught that Catholics were beer drinking cursing heathens that pray to Mary.
- 17:45 - I used to be very Baptist but now believe that Catholics are the only ones that haven’t caved to the world. Though Amoris Laetitia now shows me a lack of consistency in the Church.
- 29:00 - What evidence is there for the papacy? What sources do you recommend I read?
- 35:05 - I’m not Catholic anymore because I went to a protestant pastor, and he prayed over me and the demonic spirits that were haunting me left. When I went to a priest nothing happened.
- 46:46 - I’m Catholic but my soon-to-be wife is not Catholic. She says everything makes sense but says she can’t be Catholic. Do you have any advice?
- 51:50 - Why does it take so long to be a Catholic? Why did Luther take the 7 books out of the bible?
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
- 06:17 - I’m a new Catholic, can you help me understand the devotion to the infant Jesus?
- 11:39 - How do I approach someone who is not Catholic to come to mass, but they have a history of receiving communion at Catholic churches?
- 21:03 - How do I respond to someone who claims Marian apparitions are demonic apparitions because demons can appear as creatures of light?
- 28:28 - What does the Church teach about dreams? Can they be sinful?
- 35:31 - Why do we not hear Act 19:18 when discussing the sacrament of reconciliation? Is the verse relevant?
- 44:02 - What is the sin that cannot be forgiven? What is the sin against the Holy Spirit?
- 48:11 - Does Corinth 6:3 prove that humans are above angels?
- 53:05 - What’s the relationship between mercy and justice?
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
- 11:50 - Does Judaism believe in hell, the devil or the antichrist?
- 18:42 - What does the scapular promise, and how does one obtain the promises?
- 23:38 - What’s the definition of apologetics? It doesn’t make sense since you’re not apologizing.
- 28:49 - Archbishop Cordileone refused communion to Pelosi but Pope Francis blessed her and gave her communion. Who’s right?
- 40:43 - What did Jesus mean when he told his followers, “let the dead bury the dead?”
- 46:48 - I’m going to take a program on massage therapy, and they will cover some eastern spiritual forms of therapy. How should I approach this?
- 49:56 - I’m a convert. Can a fallen away Catholic still go to heaven?