Monday Aug 08, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Weird Questions
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
- 06:48 - Could dark energy be associated with angelic/ demonic energy / dark matter that God created at the beginning of the universe? As in, the reason we have missing/ dark matter and/ or energy is due to the spiritual world or dimension we can’t see but know is there?
- 13:33 - Is it possible to pray for the souls who have already gone to Hell? And if so, would it do any good? I would love to hear what you have to say, even if you can’t answer my question.
- 17:41 - Did toddler Jesus have meltdowns and temper tantrums, and can we guess if Mary ever lost her patience on him and yelled at him?
- 22:54 - How is original sin, inherited from Adam and Eve, different from the biologically discredited idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics (Lamarckian evolution). In other words it seems analogous to the story of how the bear lost its tail (easily googled).
- In the spirit of transparency, I’m a professor of biological anthropology but also a Christian. I know the scientific and religious truth in this matter can be reconciled, but I don’t know enough to be able to do it by myself.
- 39:57 - Is string theory (or implications drawn from string theory) incompatible with Theism and Christianity?
- 43:55 - In terms of the theory of infinite possible futures, are there an infinite numbers of past timelines? Or do all possibilities combine into one single “past” timeline?
- 47:34 - Could you speak a bit about Adam and Eve and the other hominids—many of which seemed to have used tools, bury the dead, and made cave art.
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Living Together Before Marriage
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
- 19:15 - During my current experiences with divorce, I am hesitant to tell my children not to cohabitate.
- 29:19 - Does cohabitation affect marriage in a bad way, or are the people who are inclined toward cohabitation already predisposed to divorce?
- 41:55 - How do I help my friend who is a lapsed Catholic and is cohabitating without an annulment from his marriage?
- 45:06 - How can I help my brother who is now getting married after cohabitation for a while?
- 48:48 - What do I make of people who get married civilly?
- 51:58 - I am bothered by thoughts I have of a friend who is cohabiting. How can I find peace?
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
- 07:56 - My protestant friend is asking why the pope has authority. How do I answer?
- 17:56 - When our lady of Guadalupe appeared, was she really pregnant with Jesus?
- 38:08 - Did Jesus have brothers and if they exist, what happened to them?
- 50:04 - Do you think the letters from Pontius Pilot to Rome are authentic?
- 51:26 - How do I respond to my atheist friend who claims that the Church has only been pro-life in the last 200 years?
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
- 10:10 - Why do Catholics believe that our Faith is a gift from God instead of using the evidence that we have?
- 29:07 - If a priest who is hard of hearing doesn’t fully understand all your confession, is it still valid?
- 34:42 - Is our sexual desire still going to be present in our resurrected body?
- 42:43 - Is it reasonable to hope that many will endure purgatory and few in hell?
- 48:15 - How does the Church decide which sins are more grave than others?
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
- 03:15 - How can I explain confession to a non-denominational friend?
- 11:06 - Has the Church formally declared that the Fatima events were genuine?
- 13:50 - How was Jesus heard in the sermon on the mount if there were thousands of people?
- 20:00 - Will those who are still alive during the end time have to experience death?
- 21:40 - Where in the gospel does it address cohabitation?
- 24:27 - If we cannot see God face to face but we can see Jesus face, does that mean we can see his face?
- 28:49 - I’m in a debate with friends. Is our solar system geocentric or heliocentric? What are your thoughts?
- 36:17 - Was Peter’s profession of faith the real rock that Jesus built his Church upon?
- 44:10 - What is a synod? What is the synod on synodality?
- 47:20 - Is there any occasion where the creed can be omitted from Mass?
- 47:07 - In the Old Testament, two prophets were assumed into heaven, where did they go if the gates of heaven weren’t open?
- 52:00 - What do you think of the illumination of conscience that many saints have prophesied and foretold?
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Eucharistic Conference
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
- 17:40 - What do you think the president and the speaker should do to keep the Church happy?
- 20:54 - Why is there talk of politicization of holy communion?
- 30:27 - How do we change minds on this issue?
- 35:20 - Why is it that banning people from receiving communion takes so long?
- 43:50 - I’m a registered nurse and the state board came out condemning the decision. How do I as a faithful Catholic handle this?
- 48:50 - Is it bad for me as a Catholic to blow off this topic and say, “It’s your body, your sin?”
- 52:00 - I think it’s important to emphasize the financial incentive for businesses to pay for abortion.
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Accompanying Those with Same-Sex Attraction
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
- 10:43 - What do you think about Catholic organizations promoting homosexuality?
- 13:28 - How do you handle a response from Catholics who prop up priests who promote that lifestyle?
- 18:07 - How do I share my Faith with people and show them that there are good people who also struggle with same sex attraction?
- 24:29 - Should I attend a gay wedding that I was invited to?
- 33:08 - If I send a baby shower gift to a nephew and his gay partner who adopted be taken as promoting gay adoption?
- 42:48 - I’m bisexual and my wife knows that. I was almost married to a man. How would my spiritual life have been different if I had taken that path?
- 47:44 - I’m not Catholic, do Catholics have the same reservations about attending gay weddings as they do with 2nd weddings, cohabitating couples’ weddings etc.? Resource: https://ruthinstitute.org/
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Infallibility
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
- 16:04 - I’m very close to joining the Catholic Church but how do I make sense of Pope Francis and his actions, especially the restrictions on the Latin Mass and the pope praying with non-Catholics in non-Catholic ceremonies?
- 21:47 - Can a pope declare a private revelation to be necessary for salvation or for one to be considered Catholic?
- 30:59 - Pope St. John Paul II declared that he had no authority to ordain women, was that considered an infallible statement?
- 36:13 - If a pope says something that isn’t true, is that a danger to souls?
- 45:42 - Is it true that the pope can declare something about the Mass that a future pope could not undo?
- 49:29 - Because Jesus instituted the papacy, the pope cannot declare new things like ordaining women.
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
- 02:22 - Do you have any advice regarding forgiveness?
- 09:03 - What is the nature of man? Is Jesus’ soul separate from His divine nature?
- 14:47 - Was Moses circumcised?
- 18:55 - What is the formal definition of tradition?
- 22:30 - How do Catholics defend the practice of penance in light of the parable of the Prodigal son?
- 28:46 - Is capital punishment immoral?
- 34:13 - Why did Jesus go after the money changers in the temple? What was the source of the anger?
- 39:40 - Is the Flavian signature a valid argument?
- 43:05 - Is there any gray area to consider a marriage between a Catholic and a Jewish person in a synagogue without the bishop’s dispensation to be valid?
- 47:24 - Why does Christ sometimes appear in the form of a baby in private revelations?
- 48:58 - Why does God allow suffering and even asks us to bring more children into this world?
- 50:50 - Who were the sons of God mentioned in Deut. 32 and Psalm 82? Were they fallen angels worshiped as pagan gods?
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
- 03:02 - Does God’s omniscience make an infinite past impossible?
- 07:28 - Were there early church fathers that bought into Calvinism?
- 12:20 - Is there a distinction between fallen angels and demons?
- 16:29 - Why did they change the name from RCIA to OCIA?
- 20:31 - What are the requirements for becoming a deacon or apologist/religious leader?
- 29:29 - In Romans 2:25-26, what does Paul mean here? Doesn’t God stay faithful to His covenants with His people no matter what?
- 35:27 - How are our internal organs affected by the resurrected body?
- 40:50 - Considering the verse that calls Christ the cornerstone, could you explain the stability of the Catholic church?
- 46:38 - Were the places that the Israelites attacked in the book of Joshua military bases or civilian towns?
- 49:53 - What’s the difference between praying, desiring, and wishing?
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
- 01:46 - I grew up attending Spanish speaking mass and now I go to English Mass. I noticed that a lot more people receive communion in the English-speaking Mass. Is this a catechetical thing? Why is this?
- 10:12 - Why didn’t Jesus tell Mary that he was going to go to God’s house in Jerusalem?
- 14:11 - Luke 10:25 How is Jesus answering that question? It is vague. Why don’t we stress the deity of Christ instead of the divinity of Christ?
- 21:06 - What does the Church teach about deliverance prayer?
- 28:46 - St. Thomas More’s reflection asking for happiness. Should this be something we should be praying for?
- 34:00 - I was an OB/GYN for many years and was once asked to perform a baptism. Would using salt water and a syringe impact the validity of the baptism?
- 41:36 - How do I prove that infant baptisms are valid and being at the age of reason is not necessary?
- 47:08 - Is it ok as a Catholic to watch documentaries such as the Ed Warren cases on demons?
- 51:00 - How many physical bodies are in heaven according to the Church?
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
- 09:01 - What was the creation of Jesus like? Begotten not made? Was he created since he is the Son God not Father God?
- 14:32 - If a bishop claims he is afraid of death, should we also be afraid of death?
- 21:45 - Do we know if the pope listens to Catholic radio, EWTN or Catholic Answers?
- 29:18 - Is it wrong to wait a few days to go to confession after committing venial sin? What’s the gravity of venial sin vs mortal sin?
- 38:14 - I was baptized as a Baptist at 8. Then I was baptized by a Sedevacantist priest and now am in full communion with Rome. What sins would I have to confess because I don’t know when I was validly baptized?
- 46:51 - Is the Deut. 32:8 worldview in The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser compatible with Catholicism?
- 51:17 - In the Exodus story, did God take away Pharaoh’s free will when he hardened his heart? How do we understand that phrase?
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
- 04:11 – Regarding the Vatican 2 document on Ecumenism on point 7 of chapter 2: Why are they asking for forgiveness in the Church haven’t done anything wrong?
- 08:45 – Is taking symbolic communion better than taking no communion at all?
- 14:00 - The bible says you must believe in Jesus to have salvation. What exactly does “believe” mean? How do we get saved?
- 21:38 When was the post-exilic period? What’s the Catholic perspective on this time in history?
- 29:00 - What is the best way to start a conversation about faith with an agnostic?
- 32:56 - What is the significance of Jesus handing Peter the keys? Is there a lineage?
- 36:33 - Can you help clarify what happens in mass when the priest places his hands over the bread and wine? Also, why does he lean forward during the consecration almost speaking into the host/chalice?
- 43:20 - Is it possible to have perfect contrition and imperfect contrition at the same time?
- 45:05 - What are your thoughts on the idea that not all of us are children of God? That only those baptized are his children. I know This might go against V2.
- 50:05 - I’m about to start RCIA and wanted to know your thoughts on the NAB bible translation?
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Which Catholic Doctrine Troubles You?
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
- 05:56 - Why would the Holy Spirit not know when the second coming will happen according to Mt. 24:36.
- 15:33- Do you have assurance that people with mental disabilities have salvation?
- 31:40 - How do you balance reading “plucking out your eye” and “cutting off your hand” as metaphorically” and readings on hell as literally?
- 41:21 - I’m struggling, why do the popes, bishops and priests adorn themselves so much and treat themselves with a lot of luxuries if Jesus never walked that way?
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Tips for Defending the Faith
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
- 13:09 - What is the biblical evidence for the different levels of heaven as compared to Mormon teaching?
- 23:21 - I’m not Catholic and I’m looking for resources on the big issues in Catholicism.
- 28:35 - How do you convince an atheist or agnostic that is real in simple terms?
- 33:38 - How do I defend the fact that Jesus was quoting Psalm 22 and not doubting? Was Psalm 22 written in its entirety prior to the birth of Jesus?
- 41:47 - How do you respond to the pro-choice argument: If abortion is treated as a crime, failing to treat a miscarriage should be a crime.
- 46:44 - How do I defend against Universalism?
- 51:26 - My college is having a priest come in and teach a course on queer theology. What should I do?
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
- 07:00 - I have a friend who is hesitant to convert to Catholicism because the idea of confessing her sins to a man seems shameful.
- 16:38 - How do I respond to the “forced birth” argument?
- 21:09 - I teach a catechism class at a local public school (Australia). I was inviting them to our parish confirmation program even though most never go to church. One question I couldn’t answer: How did Peter know what Jesus meant by “Church” in Matt 16? Was the term used before then?
- 24:46 - What is the best way to open conversation with family who are practically atheist?
- 36:46 - Is it wrong to gamble during a financial struggle?
- 42:22 - What, in your opinion, was Christ’s strangest teaching?
- 47:05 - What is the difference between Protestant and Catholic salvation?
- 50:25 - Why would Mary Magdalene go to the tomb if it was sealed and guarded?
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Tips for Defending the Faith
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
- 03:58 - How do I respond to someone who says that bishops’ authority did not exist until after Constantine and that Protestant ministers serve the same role as these bishops prior?
- 12:25 – How do I respond to an apatheist?
- 19:25 - How do you speak out against certain sins when there is public knowledge that you have a history of struggle with this sin?
- 29:20 - How can we defend the divinity of Christ and the fact that Jesus is God?
- 32:38 - How do I defend the Church from the claim that she changed her teaching on the death penalty?
- 44:50 - How do I prove that the Sabbath is on Sunday instead of Saturday?
- 51:50 - Why does the Church need a pope?
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
- 03:38 - According to the bible, does the soul stay in the grave until judgment day, or does the soul go to heaven?
- 12:36 - Was Hebrews among the Dead Sea Scrolls, and if it was, was the author named?
- 17:44 – In 1 Cor. 1:17, is Paul separating the gospel and baptism?
- 22:33 - If Mary had said no to becoming the mother of God, would that have contracted sin/opened her up to sin?
- 29:08 - Can you explain Numbers 5:21? It appears contradictory with most modern Catholic views on abortion.
- 32:49 - In Acts 2, were the apostles actually speaking the other languages, or were the people hearing it in their own language?
- 35:56 - With reference to 2 Peter 1:10, what is the opinion on the Doctrine of Eternal Security? Can you abandon your faith?
- 44:24 - When and how did the Jewish religion stop sacrificing animals, and is there still sacrifice?
- 47:10 - In Matthew 12:40, why does it say three nights, when Christ was only in the tomb for two nights?
- 49:19 - In Numbers 9:11-14, can you clarify what it means for strangers and sojourners to participate in the Passover?
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
- 4:16 – What is the biblical evidence for guardian angels?
- 06:42 - Is the Trinity incestual because it implies that Mary is both mother and bride?
- 11:44 - Is it possible that St. Clement wrote Hebrews?
- 14:42 - What accounts for the difference in the treatment of the apostles between Herod and his son Herod?
- 20:25 - Do novenas have their origin in the preparation for the time of Pentecost?
- 28:53 - Before I formed you in the womb. I knew you Jer. 1:5. With that in mind, when was the soul created?
- 33:00 - Why do we say in the creed, “Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilot” when Pilot did everything he could not to harm Jesus?
- 36:34 - Why are the KJV and Catholic version of the Our Father different? Why did we add the ending into the Catholic Liturgy?
- 43:28 - What did Jesus mean when he said, “Easier for a camel to enter through the eye of the needle”?
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
- 06:59 - How necessary is baptism for salvation? Also, how would you explain the Sedevacantist view of invincible ignorance?
- 17:06 - Could you clear up some misconceptions protestants have about the nature of salvation? For example, faith + works = salvation or faith = works + salvation.
- 28:47 - Why do we refer to angels like St Michael as saints? I thought that was something simply for humanity.
- 34:17 - Is necromancy the act of summoning those that are dead? Does it include interacting with them when they come to you and you didn’t summon them?
- 43:00 - What is the Catholic viewpoint on Mormons baptizing the dead? Do Catholics do this?
- 52:12 - What would the earliest forms of the Eucharist have looked like? What is the earliest rite in which we know the order of the mass or the liturgical calendar?