Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
- 06:12 - How do I understand Mary from a Catholic perspective compared to an American Baptist?
- 13:20 - Why did God make poison ivy?
- 18:55 - What was Jesus’s vocation if he was high priest, carpenter ect? How does that compare to our understanding of our personal vocation?
- 29:09 - How do I respond to a protestant who holds Martin Luther in high regards in Christianity?
- 36:03 - When St. Paul was traveling around the world, did he do anything that today would be considered Catholic practices?
- 42:30 - Why are there so few canonized Latin American saints compared to European saints?
- 52:00 - Is there a difference between getting baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit verses in the name of Jesus?
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
- 03:58 - How do we know that the early Church was the Catholic Church?
- 11:46 - How did God create everything out of nothing?
- 16:30 - What are your thoughts on God as a mother? Is this concept even possible?
- 22:55 - How can I guide my Lutheran friend to become Catholic?
- 29:15 - How does God pick the 144,000 to have the seal mentioned in Revelation?
- 35:35 - Catholics use Acts 2 as a proof for apostolic succession but never use the qualifiers mentioned in chapter 1. How do Catholics reconcile apostolic succession if those qualifiers are no longer possible?
- 40:29 - How can Catholics believe in purgatory?
- 45:30 - Is there biblical evidence that would support the idea that a marriage would be invalid because of a person’s past?
- 49:15 - Why is it important to point out that Mary was saved when discussing that Mary was sinless?
- 52:38 - Do dogs go to heaven according to Church teaching?
- 53:00 - Is Yoga against Church teaching?
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
- 03:25 - Could you help clarify the idea that Mary is the spouse of the Spirit?
- 17:15 - Is it possible to create a 3rd or 4th class relic using the host of a Eucharistic miracle?
- 21:30 - If Christ restored everything to pre-golden calf times, why isn’t the priesthood extended to everyone?
- 36:16 - Is God’s love for us unconditional or conditional?
- 44:06 - I’m a lapsed Catholic seeking to come back. Why are saints’ bodies dismembered after their death and spread throughout the world? And why do they do this before they are declared saints?
- 52:00 - My boyfriend and I want to get married but I’m Catholic and He’s Protestant. What do we have to do? What does the Church say about mixed marriages?
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Whys of Catholic Belief
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
- 01:35 - Why do we believe that a child confirmed under a different Christian religion would not be a valid sacrament in the Catholic Church?
- 07:18 - If God is love, does God’s love equal sanctifying grace?
- 15:15 - Why is there music in Church?
- 18:57 - Why do we believe in purgatory?
- 23:21 - Why could Jesus never be left alone during adoration?
- 29:30 - Why would a marriage not be valid if it wasn’t celebrated in a Church for a Catholic?
- 33:40 - Why does the Church reach out to the communion of saints and not to pray to the dead?
- 39:57 - I’m a Protestant, how is sin not totally paid for on the cross?
- 51:10 - Why does it take so long to be baptized as a Catholic?
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Whys of Catholic Belief
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
- 04:32 - Why can we say that creedal statements of the 4th Lateran Council can be infallible when we have to stretch it to sound Catholic?
- 17:27 - Why do we believe that it’s the Holy Spirit that enables us to speak in tongues, specifically the babbling?
- 25:05 - Why does divorce disqualify you in some cases from receiving communion?
- 33:22 - Why do we have the three criteria for something to be a mortal sin? Has it always been like this since the beginnings of the Church?
- 42:12 - Why are some promises from saints approved and others not? Examples of the St. Brigid of Sweden’s promises and her visions of Jesus.
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
- 01:05 - Is there any reference to Papal infallibility in the Old Testament?
- 11:10 - What is your favorite version of the Bible and why?
- 14:26 - Is there Biblical proof for the Eucharist?
- 18:27 - In Matthew 27, what is meant by the passage that says, “many saints who slept rose from the dead”?
- 21:49 - How many people in the Bible are referred to as the “Son of Man”?
- 33:00 - Why does the Catholic Bible have more books than the Protestant Bible?
- 36:19 - What is the Catholic understanding of Revelation 2:9?
- 42:15 - Were there any exorcists in the Old Testament?
- 46:40 - How do I answer my Protestant friend who claims that only in “66 books” is the truth of the Bible?
- 49:15 - The parable of the wedding feast this past week has me concerned about merit and salvation. Can you explain it further?
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
- 09:35 - Even though Christ’s blood is continuing, does Christ’s suffering continue?
- 13:30 - Are there passages that discourage women from being teachers?
- 18:06 - In Ezekiel 34:16, what is meant by “sleek”?
- 21:54 - What do you think of the Scofield Reference Bible?
- 29:03 - Does the phrase “let the dead bury the dead” imply that we should leave people in our lives who are spiritually dead, even spouses and family members?
- 33:25 - In the Book of Revelation, there is a reference to saints on earth. How can this be possible?
- 39:21 - What does the Gospel from this past Sunday mean?
- 41:53 – Were people baptized by John the Baptist validly Baptized?
- 46:28 - Is there Biblical evidence that Jesus did not have siblings?
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
- 08:57 - What were the differences between Pharisees and the Sadducees? Are they comparable to Catholics and Protestants?
- 15:15 - I’ve returned to the Church and I want a list of books you recommend. Which Catechism should I get?
- 17:50 - Does your guardian angel finish your prayers if you fall asleep? Are people only their specific religion because that’s how they were raised?
- 29:56 - What are your thoughts on the idea that the founding principles of America are anti-Catholic?
- 35:57 - I’m in a long conversation with my protestant friend. How do I help soften their position and bias against Catholicism?
- 42:05 - Can you critique my argument for the Immaculate Conception that I want to present to my parents?
- 47:53 - What would you say is the most compelling argument for God that is not a Thomistic argument? Can you provide an explanation of the moral argument?
- 53:00 - How do we prove Mary’s virginity?
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
- 08:51 - My friend told me that there’s a vision of Mary currently happening. She said that Mary is saying to stock up on nuts, honey and blessed grapes. Are you familiar with it? Is this a valid apparition?
- 16:30 - Did the Church have all 73 books of the bible after the council of Rome in c.398 AD?
- 21:30 - Why bother evangelizing to my protestant family if Christ is the center of their lives?
- 32:41 - How can you ask Mary to pray for you if she is a human being who has passed on? Do Catholics think you can talk to the dead?
- 35:20 - How can you ask Mary to pray for you if she is a human being who has passed on? Do Catholics think you can talk to the dead?
- 43:12 - Why are certain sexual acts not allowed in marriage, specifically sodomy?
- 49:38 - How do I explain to my protestant friends that Jesus gave Peter primacy in authority and not to the entire Church?
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
- 01:42 - How do I show my protestant friends that there are more than 2 sacraments?
- 10:10 - I don’t think God could have saved us in any other way. Is there evidence for that?
- 20:15 - Who were the sons of God in Genesis?
- 32:00 - How do I build up trust in people after many years of not trusting others?
- 43:03 - I’m reading a book on exorcisms and a demon claimed that Mary is powerful. If he is a liar, could he be lying about that?
- 48:20 - My little sister came out of the closet. How can I help her and bring her to the truth?
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
- 03:55 - Is it possible for sacramentals to have the same graces as sacraments? Can we make our own sacramentals?
- 13:45 - I’m protestant. What is the Catholic doctrine on the atonement?
- 19:10 - Why are some Catholics not supportive of the Catechism?
- 24:30 - How could we claim that the Church’s teaching were infallible if the early Christians believed that Christ would come back in their lifetime?
- 32:30 - How can Mary be a co-redemptrix if Jesus is the one who redeemed us?
- 42:05 - I’m a teacher and was tasked to teach on race and gender in a liberal school. How do I approach this as a Catholic?
- 49:37 - With a lack of catechesis in different parts of the world, is there an effort to bring materials in the native languages to remote parts of the world?
- 51:49 - How do we know whether a vision or visionary/prophet is really happening? How do we know if God is actually speaking to them?
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Can Church Teaching Change?
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
- 13:07 - How do I as a non-Catholic understand the issues going on in Germany and the changes with the Synodal way?
- 16:06 - How do we distinguish the similarities and differences between the development of doctrine of Catholicism and the explication of doctrine as understood by the Orthodox?
- 19:56 - What do you think about the changes the Church made about slavery? It used to endorse it and now it doesn’t.
- 32:12 - How can the Church change to get rid of clericalism and embrace the Gospel?
- 35:50 - Is the role of the Church to preserve the traditions of the Church of the times of the apostles or can this also be applied to later traditions
- 43:13 - Is the teaching on contraception definitive?
- 48:45 - Did the Church change its teaching on limbo and where aborted babies go?
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
- 04:09 - How do I explain the sacraments to my Baptist girlfriend?
- 11:08 - What’s the relationship between religious truth and fact?
- 16:04 - Is the phrase extra Ecclesiam nulla salus still a usable phrase after the second Vatican council?
- 17:29 - Is it appropriate to own tarot cards if you don’t use them for spiritual purposes?
- 21:06 - Is binding and loosing a slippery slope that can lead the Church to loosening up morals?
- 28:56 - What is the reason behind Vatican 2 decision not to indict the Jews for Jesus’ death?
- 34:08 - Since we are obligated to help people in dire need and there’s always people in dire need, is it ok for us to enjoy luxuries for ourselves?
- 41:45 - How much of Church teaching do we actually have to believe?
- 46:13 - What did Jesus mean when he said about Judas “ It would be better if he were never born?”
- 47:57 - a 7th day Adventist claimed that Mt. 24:20 proves that the Sabbath remains on a Saturday. How do I respond?
- 52:12 - If you were married and the apocalypse happened and you were only left with one other woman, would it be adultery to repopulate the earth with that woman?
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
- 02:48 - What are your thoughts on a pre-tribulation rapture?
- 10:41 - What are your thoughts on if the mystical experiences of the New Testament were due to the use of psychedelic drugs?
- 16:06 - I was debating with a Muslim and he asked why God sent the Holy Spirit? Wouldn’t this make sending Jesus pointless? How do I respond?
- 21:18 - What is the history of the pentacle? Why does the Church frown upon it?
- 24:29 - Why do things in life grow?
- 33:19 - Is it proper to interpret Marian apparitions naturally or supernaturally?
- 37:05 - How can we as Catholics believe in evolution, the big bang, and the 7 days of creation all at once? Resources: https://www.catholic.com/audio/caf/is-the-big-bang-a-proof-of-god
- 44:33 - How do I incorporate fasting into my prayer life?
- 49:28 - Why is Easter celebrated on Sunday instead of Monday? Why call it Easter and not Resurrection Day?
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Addiction and Healing
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
- 11:32 - How can I help my girlfriend who’s trying to stop her marijuana addiction, but she still lives with friends who tempt her? We are also long distance.
- 17:26 - What are your thoughts on other paths that lead to sobriety that are not 12 steps?
- 21:21 - I feel what you are doing is a form of the New Evangelization!
- 32:17 - How do you help the partners of those going through the program for sexual healing?
- 36:07 - What is your take on the 11th step?
- 42:07 - How to persevere in being sober from pornography especially with thoughts?
- 46:10 - I’m concerned for my kids, especially since I suspect my ex-husband to be an alcoholic. How do I influence them?
- 51:26 - How do I start an alcoholic group for teens?
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
- 03:18 - Will we be able to fly in our resurrected body? Would I be able to fly to space?
- 11:35 - How do I implement an understanding of the development of doctrine to Vatican 2?
- 16:44 - What did Jesus mean that the only exception to leaving a marriage is due to immorality?
- 23:27 - Could you explain what Jn 1:1 means?
- 33:15 - How do you respond to the claim “Catholics think you can buy your way into heaven?”
- 37:15 - How do I explain to my friend that it’s important to go back to church since she feels betrayed by God due to her daughter’s illness?
- 45:17 - How culpable is a person who committed mortal sins due to trauma that he had?
- 52:22 - Is faith a work?
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
- 05:55 - Where does one have a right to deny someone else communion?
- 19:22 - How to reconcile evangelization with invincible ignorance?
- 29:01 - How do we know when we cross from dulia to latria?
- 35:26 - If the Holy Spirit can talk to us, can the saints and Mary communicate with us too?
- 38:08 - Can we pray for ourselves before and during our time in purgatory?
- 43:50 - Why did God not want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit? Is Natalie an adult – Sounds like a child?
- 48:36 - Are we allowed to attend Orthodox vespers or liturgy of the hours?
- 51:14 - What is the Catholic response to the claim that 2 Tim 2:15 KJV supports two gospels, one for Jews and another for the gentiles?
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
- 04:14 - Since God isn’t limited to time and space can he see all the paths that we could have taken in life?
- 15:30 - Could you explain the Vatican’s Council for Inclusive Capitalism?
- 22:10 - What should we expect if Jesus comes back tomorrow?
- 29:45 - I’m not Catholic but I am so close. Can you give me advice on making the leap even though Pope Francis scandalizes me?
- 37:50 - Is it ok to marry with the intention to adopt and not procreate?
- 42:37 - Can demons materialize in human form?
- 48:39 - How does Jer. 31:29-30 relate to original sin?
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - The Assumption of Mary
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
- 14:10 - How would Rev.12:13-17 be applied to Mary?
- 19:40 - If Mary was born without sin, would that mean she’s separate from humanity? Wouldn’t Jesus need the consequence of sin in order to get rid of them?
- 29:50 - Do Catholics believe that Mary’s egg was used for the conception of Jesus?
- 35:24 - I view sin as a deformity, did Mary have this?
- 41:30 - Is there a difference between the bodily Assumption and the Dormition?
- 44:55 - What are your thoughts on the speculation that St. Ann was infertile, and St. Joachim was away during the time of the conception of Mary?
- 50:17 - Who was Mary and why was she important and had so many suitors? Why was Joseph worthy of marrying her?
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022