Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - What is God?
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
- 17:19 - Is there any non-religious proof for the existence of a God?
- 23:35 - What is your favorite footnote in the appendix for your book?
- 30:12 - Granting everything you said about God being timeless, how does having free will make any sense?
- 41:36 - How do we reconcile God being love and the bible saying that God hates certain people?
- 50:25 - What does God mean when he says that there will be many mansions in heaven?
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Catholic Essentials
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
- 23:15 - I read that Jesus was only one of many messianic figures and Jesus’ religion was only spread because of Constantine. Is this True?
- 30:50 - How is it that we can believe in evolution and Catholicism?
- 35:37 - I’m 9 weeks pregnant. Does the baby in the womb have a soul?
- 44:04 - Can protestants be saved?
- 49:05 - Why did God not dissipate Satan? Why did God send him to earth?
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Ask a Priest
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
- 02:23 - Why should I pursue converting my Lutheran friends if they are already really great Christians?
- 05:50 - My wife is Catholic and I’m a Methodist going through RCIA. How does the bible support the real presence in the Eucharist?
- 12:17 - Do I need to pay some sort of gratuity to a priest if I ask him to bless items for me?
- 14:28 - I pray the rosary frequently but am very distracted. Do they do anything even if I’m distracted? https://www.catholic.com/audio/caf/does-the-church-encourage-superstition
- 17:43 - What was Mary and Joseph’s betrothal? Was it a marriage since he was able to divorce her?
- 20:34 - How would a woman who had an abortion atone for her sin? SEND purgatory is fo reals
- 30:19 - Are there any plenary indulgences that someone who is a shut in can obtain through prayer alone?
- 33:38 - How do I talk to my Jewish fiancé about Catholicism?
- 40:23 - My fiancé and I are trying to find a good foundation for our marriage and are considering Catholicism. Is Catholicism a good foundation?
- 47:15 - How can God be omnipotent and desire something?
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Transgenderism
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
- 21:35 - I’m in a relationship with someone who has a daughter who thinks she’s a boy. What can I do to help?
- 29:54 - My daughter is struggling with gender dysphoria. She won’t talk to us anymore. Do you have any suggestions on how to help?
- 34:43 - My parish is rolling out the welcome mat to the transgender movement. Do you think this is a good or bad move on behalf of parishes?
- 43:06 - I’m a teacher and I’m corrected by my students regarding the language. When did the terminology change? What can we do about it?
- 49:00 - Do you think it’s more productive to argue the facts about the changes or is it better to expose the agenda?
- 52:24 - My brother is 50 and now lives as a woman. Being faithful to the truth, how can I better love him?
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
- 06:12 - Since God is above time, are we currently in heaven or hell outside time with him?
- 13:40 - Could you elaborate on St. Augustine’s comments and perspective on the account of Genesis?
- 21:03 - Can you give an explanation why a protestant who fully embraces doctrinal matters still cannot receive communion?
- 28:55 “Catholics leave out the real second commandment from the Old Testament”
- 37:20 - My protestant/anti-Catholic wife is requiring contraception in our marriage. If I don’t go along with it, there’s a possibility that she’ll seek divorce. What should I do?
- 45:53 - Were there 3 days that were dropped from the Gregorian calendar? Was it a correction or a miscalculation?
- 51:09 Before St. Paul died, he said wolves would arrive. How do we know that these wolves are not the Church Fathers?
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Why Aren’t You Catholic?
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
- 08:30 - I can’t find a distinction in seeing the Catholic Church as being practiced as a religion vs it being a cult.
- 20:07 - I don’t accept the Church’s practice and use of indulgences.
- 33:12 - I’m Catholic but I’m struggling with the Church stepping up and filling in the gaps when it comes to being pro-life. Why doesn’t the Church step up and help take care of the children financially?
- 36:26 - I’m still discerning through converting but I struggle with the historicity of scripture and tradition.
- 45:37 - I don’t believe the bible is God’s. What’s the argument that the bible is God’s word?
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - The Church in the News
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
- 12:44 - What is the Catholic Church doing to stop the Chinese government from undermining the Church in China?
- 18:38 - I’m Methodist but looking into the Catholic Church. How should I approach the Church with the synodal talks that I find concerning?
- 24:07 - Do you have any advice on how to approach the sex abuse scandal? I’m going to be entering seminary after college.
- 32:09 - Are you familiar with the bishops in the Netherlands and their plans bless same sex unions? Can you talk more about that?
- 37:06 - Can you talk about Pope Francis and his appointment of pro-abortion Mazzucato?
- 44:42 - Are you familiar with the process of the merger of the Steubenville diocese? Can you talk more about it?
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
- 05:46 - I’m non-Catholic and am inquiring more about Catholicism. What do I make of the pope and other cardinals and their interactions with leaders of other faiths?
- 16:41 - Do the souls in purgatory pray for us on earth before they get to heaven?
- 21:06 - Where in the bible and in the early Church writings does it say that we receive Jesus’ glorified body in the eucharist?
- 23:25 - Should I remain in the Church if we are all just Christians?
- 28:38 - If a bishop gets “fired” would he still have the authority to ordain others and administer the sacraments?
- 31:08 - Why don’t Catholics believe in predestination?
- 35:28 - An Episcopalian friend asked that if she believes that the Catholic priest consecrates the host, why can’t she receive communion?
- 40:33 - Why do we need Godparents to receive certain sacraments?
- 42:22 - How can someone know if they have been relieved from moral culpability due to addiction?
- 46:20 - What does the Church teach about agnostics who are seeking the truth but haven’t been convinced? Would they lose salvation?
- 48:55 - Were the people who lied to the Nazi’s about hiding Jews commit a mortal sin?
- 51:23 - An atheist friend claimed that there are 28 other figures that fit the exact mold of Christ. How do I respond to this? RESOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep-AN7U4OLg
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
- 05:46 - What do I make of the pope and other cardinals and their interactions with leaders of other faiths?
- 11:35 - What’s the response to the accusation that the pope is the figure mentioned in the book of Revelation that will usher in the anti-Christ?
- 15:38 - Can I safely assume that my devout mother skipped purgatory and went directly to heaven?
- 17:18 - How authentic is the teaching that Mary will deliver you from purgatory if you wear the brown scapular?
- 20:31 - Is it reasonable for Catholics to say that governments shouldn’t be involved in marriages and civil unions?
- 28:48 - Can you point to the biblical evidence for the Eucharist as a sacrifice?
- 35:54 - Who gave the Latin Church the authority to define the canon of scripture?
- 44:22 - My son asked me, why do we still talk about purgatory if it’s not in the bible? How do I respond?
- 50:41 - Are the early church fathers as authoritative as scripture?
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
- 02:25 - If you get blessed before you die, do you go straight to heaven?
- 04:54 - In 1 Cor. 7, St Paul says no one should get married. Can you clarify what he meant?
- 11:39 - I’m Protestant. Regarding the process of the canonization of saints, and the qualification of bearing good fruit. I see this as flawed because some cultures like Wiccans claim to produce good fruit from worshipping Mary. How should the process be understood?
- 20:13 - What are your thoughts on the statement that people have a misunderstanding of Vatican 2 because local churches haven’t properly educated people and implemented the council?
- 28:58 - What separated the Catholics and the Orthodox?
- 33:31 - How does one discern when humor is sinful?
- 40:56 - Can the devil enter souls?
- 47:17 - At the last supper, did Jesus actually turn the bread and wine to his body and blood?
- 51:41 - What is the bible verse that Jesus says that his apostles are hearing what he’s saying but not listening?
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
- 05:35 - In Genesis it says that there were wild and tame animals but there was no mention of tame and wild animals in the garden of Eden. Could you explain?
- 08:08 - What’s the best historical evidence that the resurrection happened?
- 15:42 - How do I correctly explain things to people online?
- 20:41 - Could you explain the Calvinist idea of total depravity and compare it to the Catholic and Orthodox understanding of original sin?
- 28:36 - What would you say to someone who says that Catholicism is only one form of Christianity?
- 35:52 - I’ve come to disagree with a major Catholic teaching. What do I do and should I still be approaching communion?
- 44:26 - Why do Catholics pray to Mary and not God?
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Taught By Ten
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
- 18:14 - My sister never disciplines her children. How can I help?
- 23:47 - My child refused to return to school after Covid19 and now refuses to go to Church with us. What do we do to get him to come with us? Where do we draw the line?
- 33:28 - How can I help the behavior of my grandchildren without meddling?
- 40:15 - How do I deal with parenting guilt knowing that my adult child has many issues?
- 44:45 - I really appreciate your comment that ‘you are a better parent than you think you are.
- 50:27 - Thank you for the advice that you gave me on raising adult kids.
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Apologetics Do’s and Don’ts
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
- 7:02 – My agnostic friend asked: Why did Jesus say ‘I’m the alpha and the omega’ if he didn’t speak Greek?
- 13:46 - How would you convince your own family member not to abort a baby?
- 22:53 - What’s the difference between the ascension and the assumption?
- 29:49 - Can you give me practical tips to respond to sensitive topics to middle schoolers?
- 39:14 - How would you go about doing apologetics with non-Catholic family members?
- 43:11 - I’m protestant, I’m not necessarily opposed to the Marian dogmas, but my inner skeptic tells me that it’s not in scripture. How do I overcome my inner skeptic?
- 51:09 - How do you tell someone that their beliefs are false if they believe that their beliefs can be false?
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
- 11:38 - When did “Divine Right” start? Why didn’t the pope say that Henry 8th did not have a divine right?
- 17:06 - What is responsible parenthood according to Catholics? How does a good Catholic decide when they should no longer have kids and how they should space kids?
- 22:48 - Did Vatican 2 really say that we should take all the relics out of the altars?
- 24:28 - Jimmy what are your general thoughts on Vatican 2?
- 32:15 - Is God the Father the boss of the Holy Trinity?
- 36:08 - How do I balance ministry with personal life and prayer life?
- 44:04 - Why do Catholics think Mary is the ark of the new covenant?
- 48:30 - Why were women not allowed in the temple when they were menstruating during Old Testament times?
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
- 11:39 - What are the signs of demonic possession?
- 15:50 - How Can I discern what is an appropriate tithe? I’m currently a college student and I don’t know if it’s enough?
- 21:26 - How does the church view special needs children especially when considering converting? How does mental disability play into having to properly understand the Church’s teachings?
- 28:43 - How was Vatican 2 taken so out of context that they ended up almost taking all of the Latin out of the mass?
- 35:25 - Why is the Vatican located in Rome? Is there a reason why it was in Rome especially since the Roman Empire was the ones who ordered the execution of Jesus?
- 46:57 - Is there any data on what fruits came out of Vatican 2?
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - One Disciple at a Time
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
- 20:30 - How can a Catholic be as effective in evangelizing as Protestant preachers, but in a more “down-to-earth” and less “in-your-face” manner?
- 29:22 - Did the Atheist you’re mentoring come to you looking for a discipleship relationship, or at what point did it turn into one and how did that happen?
- 34:16 - I had a gentleman approach me and hand me a pamphlet by Mike Gendron that’s aimed at disproving the Roman Catholic Church. How can I speak with this man about what he’s trying to disprove about Catholicism?
- 41:58 - I’m helping a guy out with discipleship and the way he encounters God is different to my way. I’m more intellectual and he’s more feeling based. How can I get to his level and help him in a way I’m not familiar with?
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Abraham, Father of Faith and Works
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
- 15:33 - I’ve heard people say that Abraham knew that he wouldn’t have to actually sacrifice his son because he said, “wait here, we’ll be back”. What do you think about this?
- 29:23 - What happened with Abraham’s other son?
- 41:20 - Did Abraham know God to be a trinity, or did he know God to just be one person, the Father?
- 45:48 - Follow up on the conversion earlier – Do you typically call the elder generation “brethren”?
- 50:54 - Did Abraham have/receive the Holy Spirit?
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Sexual Identity
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
- 07:56 - Considering Jesus’ acceptance of prostitutes, thieves, tax-collectors, etc., why is someone’s “transgender status” an issue for Catholics? It doesn’t impact my Catholic faith or my following of Church teaching/Christ. Why can’t we just accept them?
- 37:30 - When I was younger, I dealt with gender dysphoria and I’m grateful the surgeries there are now weren’t available back then. It would have greatly changed my life for the worse.
- 44:30 - I have a son in law that has recently come out as “transgender feminine”. What would you suggest is the best way to deal with this situation with him?
- 49:15 - Some of this stuff with transgenderism seems totalitarian. People that agree with it seem to have the last word and are really harsh about voicing their views.
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Households on Mission
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
- 16:37 - When is the proper time to take kids at mass to the back and the right time to let it go and stay in the pews? Is there a right or wrong way to approach this?
- 29:50 - Are there any Catholic educational programs for children outside of school? My kids go to public school, but it seems like there’s so much for Protestants and not much for Catholics.
- 47:49 - How do I draw my adult children, who have all fallen away from the church, and my husband, who has always been protestant, to the Church?
- 49:00 - What activities and formation would you recommend for children under the age of 5 to teach them about the faith outside of daily prayer and mass?
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Why We’re Pro-Life
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
- 18:03 - What should we say to young women who are forced to have an abortion?
- 24:03 - I’m not Catholic, my wife left me and returned pregnant. I raised the child as my own and became pro-life because of that.
- 29:10 - How do I talk to women who have had abortions who refuse to even consider any argument?
- 35:00 - How do I answer the following two objections: 1. The fetus is not a person. 2. You’re a hypocrite because you’re not adopting.
- 42:01 - Why do people refer to the unborn child as an it?
- 46:59 - I had an abortion and it left a scar on my soul, and I never want anyone to go through that.