Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Catholic Answers Live - Does God the Father Have a Body?
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
- 05:28 - Can you clarify the theological status of natural marriage and Pauline privilege (1 Corn. 7:10-15)
- 14:30 - If God is omniscient, doesn’t that mean that I last forever in the mind of God? If that’s true doesn’t that make me immortal?
- 24:08 - I do respond to the question: Why pray for the dead after they die if they can no longer turn to God?
- 30:45 - Does God have a soul?
- 36:00 - What does the Church teach about exorcisms, and how to heal people from a spiritual affliction?
- 41:11 - If people don’t have free will after they die, then how can saints in heaven pray and have miracles?
- 44:58 - On praying for the dead: We don’t know if they went to heaven or hell, but we still should pray for them.
- 49:36 - Does Jesus need the grace of faith?
- 52:19 - Does God the Father have a body?
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Catholic Answers Live - Why Catholics Can Eat Ham
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
- 06:52 - How to I respond to a protestant who says “God told me this is wrong”
- 14:45 - Do we have any knowledge of what Jesus would have been like as a child?
- 20:17 - I’m Pentacostal and just stumbled upon this show. What is the Catholic view on baptism?
- 30:26 - Are we supposed to adhere to the law of Moses? If so, why are we feasting on foods that are condemned according to the mosaic law?
- 35:56 - How do I respond to the protestant claim that the moment the Church embraced priestly celibacy it became demonic?
- 45:20 - I’ve noticed a lot of Catholic influencers have been uncharitable with the passing of P. Benedict XVI. How do we have conversations with people when emotions are still high?
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
- 01:04 - How can Protestants be part of the body of Christ, when the council of Florence says the body of Christ is the church?
- 12:44 - What happened to the families of the Apostles when they dropped everything to follow Jesus?
- 19:00 - What would the Catholic perspective be to an argument that Rome is not in union with orthodoxy?
- 30:05 - Would Deuteronomy 12: 32 make Jesus a false Prophet because he abolished the old law?
- 41:07 – When someone is born is a new Guardian Angel created?
- 48:49 - Why is it important to have a relationship with Mary?
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
- 20:32 - How do I imagine Jesus when he is in the Eucharistic form?
- 24:02 - Can you help explain the Immaculate Conception?
- 33:44 - Why is there something rather than nothing?
- 39:45 - How can I share proper Catholic faith with a Lutheran Pastor?
- 46:08 - The term Holy Ghost is used in one Gospel, while the term Holy Spirit is mentioned in all other Gospels. What term should I use?
- 48:12 - Why don’t local parishes have bible studies similar to Christian churches?
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
- 00:54 - I feel like I don’t have a path. How do I faith in God?
- 11:54 - What’s the relation of James the lesser to Jesus?
- 21:28 - Why did the Jewish people sacrifice animals? Was it a matter of having sins forgiven just to feel better since heaven wasn’t open?
- 28:40 - What role did the Talmud help, if any, in establishing the canon of scripture in the Catholic Church?
- 35:55 - The food chain seems a bit cruel for God to create. What are your thoughts on this?
- 46:34 - How do you respond to protestants who say the rosary isn’t in the bible?
- 51:30 - Who were the shepherds that the angels appeared to during the birth of Christ?
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
- 02:19 - With the current understanding of stem cells, how do we now understand the relationship between Mary and Jesus and the sharing of their DNA?
- 06:02 - What do you say when a Protestant uses “one will be taken, one will be left” in support of the rapture?
- 17:08 - Isn’t “double effect” similar to ends justifying the means? How is it consistent with Catholic faith?
- 34:59 - Can you please answer if Catholics should believe in Santa and if they should tell their children about Santa?
- 38:06 - Who do you go to when you experience extreme spiritual gifts?
- 42:49 - Is it possible for Faith and science to intersect on the assumption of Mary?
- 45:22 - What would be the best way to respond to someone who is very anti-Mary?
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Bioethics
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
- 22:01 - What’s the difference between stem cells and cell lines?
- 34:13 - How do we respond to people who ground human value in consciousness?
- 36:54 - Could you give an overview of transhumanism and if there is any link to the covid vaccine?
- 41:19 - What do you think is the reason why people become gay? Is it genetic or is it cultural?
- 46:51 - The drug Humera is made with human and animal cells. Do you know what those cells are specifically from? https://cogforlife.org/
- 49:23 - If a trans person is considering joining the Catholic Church, would they have to detransition?
- 52:40 - Have we forgotten that there is a stage in human development where we have a nonsexual same sex attraction?
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Tips for Defending the Faith
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
- 03:05 – How would one come to know the gender of one who is intersex?
- 11:21 - What’s the reasoning behind the teaching that Jesus is present in both species?
- 14:45 - Is it possible to live a contemplative life as a married man?
- 21:57 - If Adam and Eve were perfect before the fall how did they have imperfect judgment by choosing sin?
- 30:01 - How can we prove that Mary was always a virgin?
- 38:12 - How can I prove that we receive salvation through faith and works and not salvation through faith alone?
- 43:19 - Does God already know if we are going to heaven or hell?
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
- 01:48 - What’s the difference between penal substitution and vicarious satisfaction in atonement theology?
- 13:18 - My son goes to Catholic school and was told by a teacher that Protestants reject that Mary is the Mother of God. Is this accurate?
- 15:11 - Is there any situation in which a pope can be removed from office? Specifically, if he is no longer of sound mind.
- 21:23 - Is there any record of the differences in light skin and dark skin people in the Bible? Why is there no mention of Africans in the Bible?
- 37:28 - Who coined the word saint? Is it a carryover from Judaism?
- 44:35 - Does the Church treat private revelation and near-death experiences the same? What are your thoughts on near death experiences?
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
- 04:08 - If St. Paul was incorrect about the timing of the second coming, was he incorrect about other things?
- 09:37 - I’m having an operation, is it appropriate to receive the anointing of the sick and an apostolic pardon?
- 16:57 - If the 1965 Mass in Latin with some vernacular was the true intention, what was their motivation with adding additional Eucharistic prayers?
- 23:28 - If ‘once saved always saved’ isn’t true, when does someone lose salvation?
- 38:15 - Which of the apostles were present at the crucifixion of Jesus?
- 46:32 - Is it definitive that we’ll have glorified bodies in heaven, but will those in hell also receive a form of glorified bodies?
- 50:50 - Why did God kill all the first born in Exodus and could He have gone about it in a different way that led to the freeing of the Israelites?
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
- 03:23 - Where is purgatory in the bible and how do you prove it to a Protestant?
- 13:46 - As a health worker am I morally able to work at a children’s hospital that offers hormone therapy and puberty blockers?
- 22:01 - What was the question? Am I in communion with bishops who are denying the faith in Europe?
- 34:26 - If Jesus did not forgive people on the cross, would he and all of humanity have been cursed?
- 40:02 - Why did you concretely assert that the gospels were written anonymously on page 155 in the Early Church book?
- 44:24 - Is God’s free will limited by his own omniscience?
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Ask a Priest
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
- 05:23 - Do I need to specify the number of times I’ve sinned during confession?
- 07:44 - How do I talk to my friends in class about becoming Catholic?
- 15:27 - When we talk about receiving communion people say they feel closer to God, but If we are always in God’s present how can we say that we are closer?
- 20:46 - What would happen if a priest were to claim that they are a woman? How would the Church respond?
- 30:33 - I’m a divorced Catholic, could I join a monastery?
- 33:06 - One of my favorite bands has some borderline sacrilegious lyrics. Is it a mortal sin to listen to their music or go to a concert?
- 38:11 - Under what circumstances does a non-Catholic have access to the sacraments?
- 45:26 - What is the Church’s teaching for those who are not disposed to receive communion but instead go up, cross their arms and receive a blessing?
- 49:07 - What is your advice to a fallen away Catholic who wants to return?
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
- 06:34 - Is it appropriate to compare playing the lotto with the Apostles casting lot to replace Judas and the soldiers casting lots for Jesus’ robe?
- 15:46 - My wife and I just miscarried, what is the Catholic stance on cremation and also on scattering the ashes? Resource: heavensgain.org
- 21:59 - Gen 6 talks about how God was disappointed with the people and sent a flood. Weren’t the people that he killed innocent?
- 33:07 - Why do we only receive the host for communion instead of both species?
- 41:39 - I’m a 7th Day Adventist looking into Catholicism. How do I talk to people who feel that once you become a believer, that all your sins, past and future, are already forgiven?
- 51:04 - I believe in biological evolution. I have a hard time reconciling animals tearing each other apart with there being a just God.
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
- 04:03 - If a Catholic does not believe in the Eucharist, is he technically not saved?
- 13:00 - Referring to scripture, what’s the difference between showing shame and being guilty?
- 16:45 - How would you respond to people who are a part of the World Mission Society Word of God and their claim that there’s a Mother God?
- 31:55 - I’m Protestant. The Catholic Church looks different from the Church from the Patristic period. How does the development of doctrine work according to Catholics?
- 42:49 - A relative of mine who was raised Catholic but now questions everything. She asked why the Church doesn’t accept “gay” marriage and forces women to give birth in circumstances such as rape. How do I respond?
- 50:14 - Why should I be Catholic and not just Protestant?
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
- 05:03 - How would a Catholic respond to the population argument for reincarnation?
- 12:15 - Is the desire and being on the way to commit mortal sin, make one lose salvific grace? I’m comparing this to baptism by desire.
- 16:43 - If the Pope is infallible, what if he preaches something blatantly immoral?
- 20:30 - Can St Joseph’s intercession be good for finding a job?
- 23:35 - Why did David wear the priestly garment if he wasn’t a Levite?
- 29:37 - How could the Orthodox have a valid priesthood if they reject the authority of the priesthood?
- 32:54 - If you prefer going to confession with a certain priest but there’s a confession time earlier with other priests, should you wait or go to the earliest confession?
- 36:54 - My brother sends me inappropriate memes about the Church and the Eucharist? How should I handle this since he thinks it’s no big deal?
- 43:21 - My dad is a protestant missionary and is very anti-Catholic. He went to Iraq and said he found the original church and claims the Catholic Church is the original Protestant church that broke away from them. How do I respond?
- 48:32 - When did adoration become a practice?
- 51:27 - 1. Cor 5 says that people who are sexually immoral should be expelled from the Church. How do I reconcile this with people who have been accused of this but continue to retain their power and position in the Church?