Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
- 04:43 - Is it unchangeable teaching that women can’t priests, and same sex marriages can’t be blessed?
- 14:51 - Was the public school system created by the Catholic Church? Do you have resources on this topic?
- 19:04 - I’m in conversion with a missionary of the LDS Church. I’ll be sitting down with him soon. What questions and topics should I bring up to be a good representative of the Catholic Church?
- 24:13 - Mk 15 on Jesus’ death. What is the meaning of the tearing of the curtain in the temple in two?
- 33:35 - It’s important to have Juneteenth. We need to keep in mind that white people were not the only ones to own slaves.
- 44:13 - Is it a mortal sin to not believe that Mary is a perpetual virgin? Where does the Catholic Church get the importance of this teaching?
- 49:49 - Hebrew 8:6-8. How do I explain that God didn’t want us to fail but accounted for us failing?
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
- 07:58 – Is there a degree of reverence for digital images? Do they equate to printed versions?
- 15:33 - Why are we Catholics still not receiving communion from the chalice compared to the Episcopalians? Everyone else receives from the chalice except us.
- 20:14 - What does scripture mean when it says, “God gave to the hand of David the Philistines?”
- 23:32 - How do I respond to the question, “why are the majority of Catholic saints white?” Is this true? Does this mean that Catholicism is a white people’s religion?
- 37:13 - Is commemorating Juneteenth during mass appropriate since it is so political?
- 50:10 - Regarding the book of Revelation, In what sense is the Church the new Jerusalem? How is that contrasted to our understanding of the Church as the Body of Christ?
- 52:57 - Which translation of the bible is better to have, the RSV or the NAB?
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Why Aren’t You Catholic?
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
- 01:29 - I am not Catholic because the relationship with the apologetic individuals being complicit with wrong.
- 07:39 - I am not Catholic because of the teaching on Papal infallibility.
- 14:09 - I am not Catholic because of the Assumption of Mary becoming a Dogma.
- 24:40 - I am on my way out of being Catholic because I can’t wrap my head around some rituals and the definition of the Eucharist.
- 36:25 – I am not Catholic because of inconsistency about priest not being able to be married based on 1 Timothy 4: 1-5.
- 45:54 - I am not Catholic because I am skeptical of most religions.
- 52:05 - I am not Catholic because I am not a believer in the event or the philosophy.
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Why Aren’t You Catholic?
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
- 06:48 - I’m not Catholic because my Catholic coworkers tend to share an over importance on Mother Mary.
- 18:32 - I am not Catholic because I’m a member from the Episcopal Church. I believe the women in the Gospel were also Apostles.
- 30:29 - I am not Catholic because I was raised Catholic, but I was turned down when trying to get married in the Catholic Church. I also can’t support the Pope.
- 40:00 - I am not Catholic because Sola Scriptura.
- 46:27 - I am not Catholic because the foundational doctrine doesn’t make sense.
- 51:45 - I am not Catholic because the relationship with the apologetic individuals being complicit with wrong.
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
- 18:44 – What local events were used to prove the validity of this Marian apparition?
- 22:55 - What can I do in preparation for a visit?
- 32:02 - Is it possible that Mary appeared to Native American before Caucasian North Americans?
- 33:34 - My husband had an apparition of me while on military leave. What is the church’s teaching on this?
- 38:00 - What did Mary mean when she said her son will punish those who don’t believe in him?
- 48:28 - What type of catechesis is available for the public who might be skeptical?
- 50:45 - What leads to an apparition not being approved and one being approved?
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Our Lady of Good Help
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
- 18:44 – What local events were used to prove the validity of this Marian apparition?
- 22:55 - What can I do in preparation for a visit?
- 32:02 - Is it possible that Mary appeared to Native American before Caucasian North Americans?
- 33:34 - My husband had an apparition of me while on military leave. What is the church’s teaching on this?
- 38:00 - What did Mary mean when she said her son will punish those who don’t believe in him?
- 48:28 - What type of catechesis is available for the public who might be skeptical?
- 50:45 - What leads to an apparition not being approved and one being approved?
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
- 12:42 - Does the valid election of someone as Pope imply divine endorsement of the wisdom of that choice?
- 21:42 - Why do Catholics pray to the Saints?
- 29:45 - Which Protestant challenge do you find the most compelling or difficult to answer? Which aspect of Catholicism is the most misunderstood?
- 39:42 – When the Apostles raised souls from the dead in Acts, where did the souls come from?
- 46:06 - Where did specific prayers come from for the different Saints?
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
- 02:00 - What can we affirm about asexuality? What does the virtue of chastity have to do with it?
- 16:58 - What are some ways to keep Catholic children Catholic in a fallen world?
- 22:56 - Does the Church teach anything about pre-Adam races of humans? If there was a mix between Adam and a pre-Adam human, would they have the same dignity?
- 35:40 - I heard someone claim that the tearing of the veil indicated the end of the priesthood. Where did they get that idea and how can I respond?
- 44:00 - I’d like to issue a correction to the question about converting from an Eastern rite from last hour.
- 49:04 - If I die before converting, is there any way I can get last rites?
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
- 05:57 - When Jesus says “Who is my mother and who are my brothers” in Matthew 12:48, is Jesus devaluing his mother? And how can we know without getting into arguments about “my interpretation” vs “your interpretation”?
- 12:22 - Are the souls in purgatory present at Mass?
- 14:21 - What’s the Catholic teaching on end times prophecy?
- 18:45 - How can I prove that at consecration the Eucharist becomes the body and blood of Jesus?
- 29:06 - Do we know with confidence that the bones buried beneath Santiago de Compostela are those of the apostle James? And what is the Church’s teaching on this?
- 35:26 - Is it possible for an ecumenical council to teach error? If it does, what are we as laypeople supposed to do about it?
- 42:05 - Why don’t most Catholic Churches encourage their congregation to read the Catechism?
- 47:16 - How do I answer the claim that Jewish people (and therefore Jesus) believe that life begins at first breath, not conception?
- 50:40 - As a new convert, should I abide by Roman rite or Eastern rite fasting practices?
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Early Church was the Catholic Church
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
- 12:52 - Are there examples from the early church of prayers to saints?
- 17:05 - What does Ignatius of Loyola mean by “one cup, one flesh”?
- 21:22 - How do you make the case that the Catholic Church is the one, true Church as opposed to Eastern Orthodoxy?
- 30:15 - How do I respond to someone who claims that Marius Victorinus influenced St. Augustine?
- 35:14 - Can you explain how early Church teaching on the Eucharist evolved into the doctrine of transubstantiation?
- 43:19 - What are the best books to buy on early church fathers that include more of their writing without commentary?
- 47:52 - How do I respond to a friend who believes the Church ended with the twelve Apostles?
- 52:38 - What did Mr. Heschmeyer mean when he referenced the church that does not recognize the Holy See’s authority but is still an authentic church?
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Attacks on the Image and Likeness of God
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Questions Covered:
19:40 - How do we reconcile the view that we are made in the image of God and that we are closely related to other animals?
23:29 - What do we mean by the “Image of God?” Is it physical attributes or descriptions of His spirit?
30:29 - How do you feel about current politicians who claim to be Catholic and promote abortion etc. and receive communion?
38:20 - How do we address the transgender issue since it’s an attack on the image and likeness of God?
46:39 - How do we respond to scandal in the Church since it’s a reflection of who God is?
50:35 - Should we be supporting resource pregnancy centers? Should we as a Church support them more?
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Thriving After the Pandemic
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
- 06:35 - Why do we say “For us men and for our salvation” instead of just “For our salvation” in the Nicene Creed?
- 11:40 - What changed in the teachings of the death penalty when Pope Francis changed the Catechism? Does that mean we were wrong this whole time?
- 16:17 - Can demons reveal accurate knowledge of the future to people they communicate with?
- 22:20 - Is there a theologian or doctor of the Church that can speak on how prayer affects daily living?
- 31:39 - How do we Catholics reconcile the tension between God’s active will and His permissive will as it pertains to divine inspiration?
- 39:11 - Hebrews 10:14. What does it mean by “perfected for all time?”
- 46:01 - Did Luke and Mark personally know Jesus?
- 50:16 - What is the Church’s teaching on people who claim to be Catholic and communicate with the dead?
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
- 04:41 - Is the supper of the lamb in Revelation referencing the eucharist rather than the end times?
- 16:31 – When the Father and the HS manifest at the Baptist and the Transfiguration, did the witnesses witness heaven and the beatific vision as well? How did the witnesses know who Jesus was talking to at the Transfiguration?
- 20:40 - I found evidence in the early church fathers that the eucharist was symbolic and also the understanding of transubstantiation. What are your thoughts on the symbolic evidence?
- 28:46 - What is the benefit of the Mass if you don’t receive communion?
- 32:20 - Does the Catholic Church teach that men and women are equal?
- 34:11 - If the material sufficiency view of scripture is true can’t protestants raise the same objections that Catholics use against them?
- 42:32 - What was the temple meant to be used for during the time of Christ?
- 47:23 - How would you explain transubstantiation to a protestant?
- 49:42 - I’m Reformed Protestant and still struggle with the concept of sin. Can you help clarify?
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Bible Blueprint for Confession
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
- 15:05 - My protestant friends say that they have an advantage to forgive their sins. How do I answer them that it’s not an advantage?
- 24:05 - If you haven’t done a sorrowful examination of conscience and forget to confess something. Do I just forget it or do I still have to confess it? Would it invalidate my confession?
- 34:39 - I’m a new Catholic and I struggle with going to confession because I work myself up too much. How do I keep it together in the confessional? Resource: Catholic Answers Focus Episode “The Surprising thing that Brings Jesus Joy” (https://www.catholic.com/audio/caf/the-surprising-thing-that-brings-jesus-joy)
- 42:41 - I’m protestant hoping to become Catholic. I find it more trustworthy to confess to a priest rather than just confessing to “one another.”
- 46:41 - What part of our sins are not remitted during confession?
- 53:04 - Can a validly baptized Christian go to confession and be validly absolved?
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Raising Catholic Kids
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
- 21:06 - My Non-Catholic husband doesn’t want to raise our kids Catholic. How do I approach this if I want to get them baptized Catholic?
- 29:12 - Do you have any references to check out on your discoveries in the Holy Land?
- 32:20 - How do you deal with extended family who are very anti-Catholic?
- 42:36 - How do we deal with facing secular culture, especially what’s on tv?
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
- 03:28 - What does it mean for us to be made in the image and likeness of God?
- 13:40 - How do I discuss the Eucharist with Protestant family members?
- 28:35 - I’m currently contemplating transition surgery to help get rid of self-harming urges. I would really appreciate knowing and trusting in the solidity of church teaching on this in spite of the changes perceived in response to LGBTQ issues?
- 36:30 - Do we have biblical evidence for the members of the trinity being distinct?
- 45:19 - If you’re struggling with your Catholic faith, how do you go about finding your identity in it?
- 51:28 - How can I defend my faith against Christadelphians?
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
- 04:13 - Does mortal sin undo our adoption by God?
- 14:40 - If forgiveness releases us from what we owe someone, why do we still need to do something to fix it up?
- 31:49 - If we all receive the same graces at baptism, what’s the difference between the baptized Catholic who goes to heaven and the baptized Catholic who goes to hell?
- 43:23 - How do you respond to the Orthodox argument against the papacy that appeals to an apostolic constitution (34?) stating that bishops cannot interfere with each other?
- 51:39 - How do you help someone defend the natural moral law, especially in the context of teleological definitions of men and women like Trent’s?
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Catholic Answers Live - Living Calm
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
- 15:19 - My friend is a drug addict and tends to lash out a lot. I no longer want to be his friend and I’m not sure how to break the news to him.
- 18:20 - Is there a time and a place for righteous anger? If so, how do we discern whether our anger is righteous or sinful?
- 20:15 - How do we control our anger towards someone we know is never going to change?
- 23:41 - I’m not angry at my family, but I am angry at the force that is dividing us. How can we identify what is dividing us, and what should I do next?
- 34:16 - How can I talk to my atheist husband who uses the name of Jesus in vain?
- 40:14 - How can I deal with my husband’s anger problem?
- 43:09 - I had a conversation with somebody who got mad at me for becoming Catholic and I’m not sure if I handled it well.
- 47:21 - I heard that a lot of times anger comes from hurt. I’d like to know Dr. Ray’s thoughts on that.